Controversial opinions on metal

What is wrong with Master of Reality? Along with Paranoid it's the most consistent of the Ozzy albums.

fwiw I agree that there is a trve metalhead complex going on with certain people and certain bands, but it doesn't have much to do with vocals. It's just the idea that metal at its closest to the beginnings is the most pure and that it necessarily correlated with quality (even though anyone with functioning ears should be able to tell that Witchfinder General is third-rate derivation and Manilla Road amateur at best).
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Ozzy's solo career stuff is some of the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. Arena rock/cock rock whatever the fuck you wanna call it like Kiss and all that shit can fucking die and go to hell. I don't mind heavy metal with bad vocals as long as it's within reason.

Blizzard of Ozz is great and far from arena rock.
Black Sabbath's first few albums really are great but the vast majority of their albums might as well not even exist.
Black Sabbath's first few albums really are great but the vast majority of their albums might as well not even exist.

Born Again, Headless Cross, and Dehumanizer > you

Nothing really. Hell it invented a genre. Stoner doom. But is it one of the greatest ever? To me fuck no.

I'm not saying that everyone should masturbate to it daily (tbph my classic Sabbath listening isn't so extensive either), but your earlier post made it sound like you thought it was flawed enough that people could only possibly love it for influence.
Ozzy's solo career stuff is some of the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. Arena rock/cock rock whatever the fuck you wanna call it like Kiss and all that shit can fucking die and go to hell. I don't mind heavy metal with bad vocals as long as it's within reason.

It cracks me the fuck up how people suck Ozzy's dick when his solo material gets walloped by Dio-era Sabbath any day of the week. Dio gave us Mob Rules, Heaven and Hell, and Dehumanizer. Ozzy on his own gave us sappy-ass lyrics like "maybe it's not too late, to learn how to love and forget how to hate."

I still cannot believe that the man famous for biting the heads off of animals, the "Prince of Darkness", can write songs like "Mama I'm Coming Home" and people think that's totally cool. :Puke:
The thing with these bands is there's a vast difference between "quality" and "influence". Band X might deserve credit for influencing a lot of later music, but that doesn't mean necessarily that said band is the best in the genre. Anvil's probably the best example of that. They were a huge influence on the Big 4 of thrash but the reason they never got famous is... they weren't that good.

Sabbath was a band that definitely helped lay down the foundations for metal, but I honestly don't know the last time I sat down and listened to anything they did.

I do listen to a few of their albums here and there, definitely good music. But you make an excellent point. I guess a similar comparison would be to how fantastic toilets are, and how glad I am we have them. But I definitely wouldn't want to use one of the earlier models, because there have been undeniable improvements upon that design.

Had I the money and space, I would certainly want one of those early models in a gallery of antiquities. Because it led to a lot of shit, just as all those pioneer bands led to a lot of shit, and if you're that interested in something most of the world isn't interested in, you tend to embrace such things.

Edit: Also yes fuck pretty much all Ozzy's solo stuff and Dio almost always wins in Sabbath. Although Master of Reality is an excellent album, as are a few select other Ozzy songs.

Rainbow is an excellent band.
Pink Floyd is not overrated, but the Beatles definitely are.

Mob Rules is my second favorite Sabbath album, after Paranoid. In general the worthwhile Sabbath albums are the first five, parts of Technical Ecstasy and Never Say Die, and all of the Dio albums.

I'll give Headless Cross another listen but from what I remember it was boring, corny, bloated and the vocalist was annoying.
As far as I know the more dark subject matter in Sabbath lyrically is not even written by Ozzy.
The only way I can understand someone saying Pink Floyd is overrated is if they've only heard The Wall. There's probably 7-8 better Pink Floyd albums. Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of the Moon are two the best albums of the 70s, heck, arguably ever.
The first two Dio-Sabbath albums don't do much for me anymore tbh. The performance and sound are amazing in every respect, but the songs are just kind of boring.

I find it incredibly hard to care about Pink Floyd. I'll listen to Animals every once in a while, but otherwise whatevs. I don't even have much against them either, it's just like, why bother?
The only way I can understand someone saying Pink Floyd is overrated is if they've only heard The Wall. There's probably 7-8 better Pink Floyd albums. Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of the Moon are two the best albums of the 70s, heck, arguably ever.

I totally agree, The Wall is overrated. I love Dark Side of the Moon.
1a. Wish You Were Here
1b. Dark Side of the Moon
3. Animals
4. Meddle
5. Saucerful of Secrets
6 Atom Heart Mother
7. More
8. The Wall
9. Obscured by Clouds
10. Ummagumma (would be higher if it weren't for that fucking 10 minute drum piece that goes nowhere)
11. Obscured by Clouds

I don't even think I listened to their final three albums more then a few times... really didn't leave an impression.
It cracks me the fuck up how people suck Ozzy's dick when his solo material gets walloped by Dio-era Sabbath any day of the week. Dio gave us Mob Rules, Heaven and Hell, and Dehumanizer. Ozzy on his own gave us sappy-ass lyrics like "maybe it's not too late, to learn how to love and forget how to hate."

I still cannot believe that the man famous for biting the heads off of animals, the "Prince of Darkness", can write songs like "Mama I'm Coming Home" and people think that's totally cool. :Puke:

It seems like 99% of Ozzy Osbourne fans are the same type of people who still think the Big 4 produce good albums. People who don't know anything about Metal outside of the big name bands.
Ozzy's solo career stuff is some of the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. Arena rock/cock rock whatever the fuck you wanna call it like Kiss and all that shit can fucking die and go to hell. I don't mind heavy metal with bad vocals as long as it's within reason.

You need to listen to:

Blizzard of Ozz
Diary of a Madman
Bark at the Moon
No More Tears

All 4 albums are fucking amazing and essential listening in my opinion