Controversial opinions on metal

I like Korn's cover of 'Another Brick in the Wall' more than the original.

Not to say Pink Floyd isn't fucking fantastic and untouchable in pretty much every other aspect. But I love that cover.
I mean really... :kickass:

And come on, seriously... really? :Smokedev:

Overrated yes. But great song.

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All opinions are opinions and thus have some measure of validity to them although I think we can all agree that some opinions have more or less validity than others (don't disagree with me, I'm not beneath playing some retarded Justin Bieber vs. Mozart card just to prove a point).

That being said, most people that state that the Beatles (or Pink Floyd) are overrated simply do so because they have zero concept of context. These are the same kind of people that would say that Slayer is overrated simply because they enjoy the new Nile album (or some other album/band that is equally meaningless in context) more.

Even if we are to ignore context (which no middle school graduate should be brainless enough to do), I think it would be safe to assume that at least half of the posters on this particular forum aren't saying The Beatles are overrated because they jam out to The Zombies frequently, but rather they find The Beatles "overrated" in their own frustration that their favorite death metal albums aren't somehow equally loved by the world, as if that would be even remotely possible (or deserved).

The Beatles and Pink Floyd are in no way overrated with perhaps the exception of a massive female population with nothing on their cute little iPhones but The Beatles and, otherwise, only music made in the last 5 years, likely not even written by its respective performing artist. However, I suppose I could say with relative ease that plenty of songs are overrated in that they never should have seen the light of day. Fuck you, Yellow Submarine.

Oh, and I'm still pretty fucking annoyed about that fat latina in that one music class a while back that argued that "Eleanor Rigby" would be classical music if it didn't have vocals. I'm normally against the notion of procreation licenses, but sometimes I wonder...
How is Drudkh bad music?

It's flowery wallpaper metal.

He believes that true metal is free of non-metal influence, yet thrash somehow counts despite being influenced by hardcore punk.

Pretty sure I've never said that. I'm more just amused that a lot of what amounts to alternative metal is lauded as long as its influences are ambient or European folk music.
Saying Pink Floyd is overrated, I've found, usually means the person has not actually listened to Pink Floyd's tracklist in order, or just plain hates progressive music or music with sound samples for effect.

As for Black Sabbath, come on now, seriously. Don't even get me started on how much I disagree with you and the various reasons why. Just google 'Why Black Sabbath isn't overrated'

Never liked Megadeth but a whole lot of bands I love claim them as a huge influence, so I gotta give them props and respect.
I like Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd, but I do not care for Megadeth. I do not like Dave Mustaine or his vocals, he is not really a particularly good guitar player either. I'm glad that Metallica booted him.
Saying Pink Floyd is overrated, I've found, usually means the person has not actually listened to Pink Floyd's tracklist in order, or just plain hates progressive music or music with sound samples for effect.

As for Black Sabbath, come on now, seriously. Don't even get me started on how much I disagree with you and the various reasons why. Just google 'Why Black Sabbath isn't overrated'

Never liked Megadeth but a whole lot of bands I love claim them as a huge influence, so I gotta give them props and respect.

The thing with these bands is there's a vast difference between "quality" and "influence". Band X might deserve credit for influencing a lot of later music, but that doesn't mean necessarily that said band is the best in the genre. Anvil's probably the best example of that. They were a huge influence on the Big 4 of thrash but the reason they never got famous is... they weren't that good.

Sabbath was a band that definitely helped lay down the foundations for metal, but I honestly don't know the last time I sat down and listened to anything they did.
I don't think Anvil was even that big of an influence tbh. Glad the praise for them after that documentary has finally died down.
What kills me about Black Sabbath is that people act like seven of their albums are in the top 20 metal albums of all time. There's no fucking way. I'm fine giving the first two their due but all the rest are no where near the quality. And honestly, know what sabbath albums I listen to any more? Heaven and Hell and Headless Cross. I can't sit through the rest.

If you have more than three of their albums in your top whatever list, I just think you're being a cunt or doing the whole trve metal thing, especially when you aren't including other proto metal from the time.

This board has an affinity for traditional heavy metal with bad vocals. Ozzy in general, pagan altar, manilla road, cirith ungol, witchfinder general, hell even slough feg, and don't get me wrong, I like some of it but it gets blown out of proportion here horribly.
Ozzy's solo career stuff is some of the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. Arena rock/cock rock whatever the fuck you wanna call it like Kiss and all that shit can fucking die and go to hell. I don't mind heavy metal with bad vocals as long as it's within reason.