Controversial opinions on metal

Not really controversial unless you call it more influential or important or something. I easily prefer it as well, and Pleasure to Kill is still great. Assassin is easily one of the greatest thrash metal songs of all time.
Ill take Morbid Saint over Kreator any fucking day.

Also, listented to Anthems and couldnt even get all the way through it. I think I got to With Strength I Burn and I had enough...There were some decent moments but overall it just wasnt my thing...Im definitely going to revist it again in a week or so and see how I feel, but it still sounded too Dimmu-ish for me at times. I did however like it more than In The Nightside Eclipse, so hey, its an improvement.
Yeah for the most part I do, but there are always a few exceptions to every rule of mine. Even my most recent claim about symphonic metal, there are very few exceptions I have to that as well. Realize when I make blanket, generalized statements like that, its never 100% the case. It is, yes, mainly how I feel, but with a little playfulness mixed in. ;)
I've never really managed to get into a band that identified as "Symphonic", even though a number of the bands that I listen to certainly have a symphonic element. Most of the stuff UA posts sucks because, as previously mentioned, when it's deconstructed even slightly, it usually turns to be weak, emaciated guitar work leaning on the crutch of a Castlevania soundtrack.

I have a serious appreciation for classical - the 20th century stuff speaks to me moreso than baroque or romantic. Much of the music I listen to was inspired by Steve Reich and John Adams, as is my own. These are the composers who mastered the techniques of the sound scape and free verse so often used by the purveyors of post rock, drone, avant garde, chillout, space rock, post metal, and various other progressive music styles. So of course as a fan of this umbrella of music, I'd identify more with this:

Than I would with any of the aforementioned "symphonic" bands.
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Yeah I think we can pretty much lay the Sympho debate to rest now. Especially considering that it originated from UltimateApathy.
Castlevania music is fucking awesome. I'd like symphonic metal if it sounded anything like Castlevania. The closest thing I know of to Castlevania metal is probably Sadist's The Ninth Wave, although a big part of why Unquestionable Presence clicked for me so quickly was because it reminded me of Castlevania in parts initially. Castlevania.
I have that one wishlisted for being potentially good black metal but haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. I'll try and do that soon.
That album gets swept into the symphonic category every now and then, but it's no more symphonic than Nachthymen by Abigor or The Shadowthrone by Satyricon.

... which is to say, it's black metal first and foremost, with anything symphonic coming across as an afterthought or atmospheric effect.
I love Spectrum of Death, but it's no PtK ....

I know Morbid Saint have turned into some sort of internet thrash phenomenon, and it's good that they got a lot of recognition which they initially didn't ... but that album is basically early Kreator worship, and they do nothing better than Kreator did on Pleasure to Kill, absolutely nothing. I dare any of you guys to sit there and listen to both albums back to back and come back saying otherwise.

... on that note, i'll throw on some Morbid Saint.

edit: Oh and HBB, Assasin isn't even the best track on that album, let alone one of the greatest thrash metal songs of all time. :lol:

Also, both Devastation albums >>> Spectrum of Death
I love Spectrum of Death, but it's no PtK ....

I know Morbid Saint have turned into some sort of internet thrash phenomenon, and it's good that they got a lot of recognition which they initially didn't ... but that album is basically early Kreator worship, and they do nothing better than Kreator did on Pleasure to Kill, absolutely nothing. I dare any of you guys to sit there and listen to both albums back to back and come back saying otherwise.

... on that note, i'll throw on some Morbid Saint.

edit: Oh and HBB, Assasin isn't even the best track on that album, let alone one of the greatest thrash metal songs of all time. :lol:

I think you'll find that Spectrum of Death is much more influenced by Slayer than Kreator, just listen to the riffing. The drumming is markedly different too.
That album gets swept into the symphonic category every now and then, but it's no more symphonic than Nachthymen by Abigor or The Shadowthrone by Satyricon.

... which is to say, it's black metal first and foremost, with anything symphonic coming across as an afterthought or atmospheric effect.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.