Controversial opinions on metal

It doesn't have to do anything with trve kvlt attitude. I have heard a few songs and while I remember enjoying them at least a bit, they didn't make a significant impact and off the top of my head I don't particularly remember what they sound like. It's just that people that fellate The Chasm also tend to do likewise for other hip metal bands (Ares Kingdom, Root, Manilla Road, etc) that I don't enjoy. Listening to that Acerus album on their Bandcamp didn't help things either.

You should have added this information to your first post, because without the context, your original statement sounded fucking stupid. I can understand disagreeing with people over an acclaimed band, but totally ignoring something just because it's hyped is bullshit hipster thinking.
It's still bullshit because the chasm has nothing to do with the other bands listed at all.

And saying Judas priest has all these classic albums is just as hipster opinion as liking the before mentioned bands, its just going for that whole "older is better" mentality. My problem with priest is their usual 2-3 cringeworthy songs per album.
It's still bullshit because the chasm has nothing to do with the other bands listed at all.

And saying Judas priest has all these classic albums is just as hipster opinion as liking the before mentioned bands, its just going for that whole "older is better" mentality. My problem with priest is their usual 2-3 cringeworthy songs per album.

Yes, preferring the heavy metal pioneers with numerous hit songs and international recognition is the hipster choice over a Mexican death metal band. Your existence is cringeworthy.
Says you

I cut my pubes for the first time ever this morning, and I'm a little mixed. When I cleaved the first lock fro, I realized how much history was held in them, and had no idea that even though the ends were still as wispy and blonde as they were when I was 12, the base had already grown fairly coarse. I have a feeling that even if I decide to grow them out again, they will never regain that youthful springiness. On the other hand, by the end of the night I was pretty happy with how much more bold my penis appears, and I won't have to worry about scraping out caked week-old semen in the shower any longer.
Yes, preferring the heavy metal pioneers with numerous hit songs and international recognition is the hipster choice over a Mexican death metal band. Your existence is cringeworthy.

By that mentality Ratt is also better, because they have numerous hit songs, international recognition, and several multi-platinum albums.

Oh and we might as well throw Limp Bizkit into the mix, since they're also internationally recognized and full of hit songs.
It took me a few listens before I liked The Chasm, then one night I listened to Deathcult for Eternity laying down in the dark and now they are my favorite death metal band.
Yeah that's awesome and everything except Judas Priest and The Chasm don't fucking sound anything alike in anyway at all. So why are we comparing them again and what do they have to do with whatever the fuck the last page was about? Oh shit I did it again I actually read the words on the screen fuck.
Yeah that's awesome and everything except Judas Priest and The Chasm don't fucking sound anything alike in anyway at all. So why are we comparing them again and what do they have to do with whatever the fuck the last page was about? Oh shit I did it again I actually read the words on the screen fuck.

It started with a discussion on whether any metal bands had more "classic" albums than Slayer, and you death metal wimps lost sight of that with your fanwank over bands with discographies that barely deviate from a single sound.

By that mentality Ratt is also better, because they have numerous hit songs, international recognition, and several multi-platinum albums.

Oh and we might as well throw Limp Bizkit into the mix, since they're also internationally recognized and full of hit songs.

Who said anything about better? Krow said that Judas Priest is the choice of hipsters because they're "old". I'm pointing out that there is nothing "hipster" about preferring a mainstream band and that Krow is retarded for thinking otherwise.
And I praise you for that, Kafka. Talking about The Chasm > Talking with Burgerboy about any band on the planet.
Considering that this is a largely Americanized forum, this will no doubt be a controversial Metal opinion: any genre of Metal which involves the incorporation of symphonic/orecestral elements along with the traditional factors is FAR better. For example:

Symphonic Black Metal (so much better than plain Black Metal stuff)

Symphonic Power Metal (huge advantage over traditional Power Metal)

Symphonic Death Metal (variety is a virtue)

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It started with a discussion on whether any metal bands had more "classic" albums than Slayer, and you death metal wimps lost sight of that with your fanwank over bands with discographies that barely deviate from a single sound.

Who said anything about better? Krow said that Judas Priest is the choice of hipsters because they're "old". I'm pointing out that there is nothing "hipster" about preferring a mainstream band and that Krow is retarded for thinking otherwise.

The discussion about Slayer came about because it was suggested that there are better bands than Slayer from the late 80's/90's, and that they're not the pioneers that people make them out to be. So who said anything about better? I, and whoever agrees with that opinion, did.
Keyboards, for the most part, dont have a place in metal.

Of course I have a few (very few) exceptions to my rule, but for the most part I only can stomach a little keys to help create atmosphere, but god damn I hate symphonic shit.