Controversial opinions on metal

I honestly don't see how the band can go on without him. There is no Slayer without Jeff.

I would have broke the band up after he died and just said fuck it at that point. Slayer have had a great and lengthy career, they've pretty much done it all. If they would have retired when Jeff died it would have been totally understandable. I don't know Tom and Kerry must really need the money or something.
I didn't think either solo in Psychopathy Red was particularly noteworthy but I'd give it to Hanneman there as well. For the most part I don't really care much about their leadwork at all, but of the few Slayer solos that made me think "Wow, they actually put some thought into that one", they always seem to be King solos.
You probably shit in the sandbox you hippie.

I would never shit in a sandbox, I aint no fucking cat. Plus, that would make for horrible compost.

Everything after Reign in Blood is shit, and I don't listen to Slayer at all, because you know, fuck Kerry King.

Kerry King was glorified simply because of the way he looked.

I think we all can (if we havnt already) agree that Jeff out did him in every aspect.

How many other bands can you guys name that have 4-5 bonafide classic albums?

They might not be "classic" per se, but Bolt Thrower, The Chasm, Immolation and Incantation are a few that immediately come to mind.

In fact, I cant think of another band (other than The Chasm) that have such a stellar discography than Bolt Thrower.
I didn't think either solo in Psychopathy Red was particularly noteworthy but I'd give it to Hanneman there as well. For the most part I don't really care much about their leadwork at all, but of the few Slayer solos that made me think "Wow, they actually put some thought into that one", they always seem to be King solos.

Yea, he also wrote that riff(the whole track actually) ... I'd say one of his last great ones.

Also, i'm sure you know that riffs are a HUGE part of the lead guitar work, right? Sure, we all know they don't have the best solos, but other than that i'd say they're one of the greatest guitar tandems ever.
They might not be "classic" per se, but Bolt Thrower, The Chasm, Immolation and Incantation are a few that immediately come to mind.

In fact, I cant think of another band (other than The Chasm) that have such a stellar discography than Bolt Thrower.

Yea, those bands you mentioned all have consistantly good discogs, we can even add a few more to that list ... but like you said, that doesn't make them classics. I'd say Incantation has one bonafide classic and Immolation has two(depends on who you ask). I don't know if anything from Bolt Thrower would fall under "classic", maybe Realm of Chaos? Also not sure which The Chasm album would fall under that title, but I fucking love everything I've heard from that band. I think the last outings from BT and The Chasm might be my favorites from them.

Jeff looked cooler than Kerry anyways imo.

... they both looked cool in the 80's. Kerry went hollywood later on.
This forum and The fucking Chasm. I don't know what it is but this forum seriously has a massive boner for that band.
Why the fuck should I care what is considered "classic"? Hell Michael Jackson is considered a classic artist, but holy duck shit, fuck Michael Jackson.
This forum turned me on to the Chasm when I first joined. At the time I had never heard anything form them outside of a few tracks here and there. So I went and downloaded a few of their albums and thought "meh they're alright" ... but it wasn't until I bought Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm that they just fucking clicked with me ... then I went back and masturbated to most of their older stuff.

Why the fuck should I care what is considered "classic"? Hell Michael Jackson is considered a classic artist, but holy duck shit, fuck Michael Jackson.

I think it's safe to say that we're talking metal classics.
Woah, you're fucking TRVE dude. Too bad you don't like BM, you'd be able to out TRVE KVLT everyone.

It doesn't have to do anything with trve kvlt attitude. I have heard a few songs and while I remember enjoying them at least a bit, they didn't make a significant impact and off the top of my head I don't particularly remember what they sound like. It's just that people that fellate The Chasm also tend to do likewise for other hip metal bands (Ares Kingdom, Root, Manilla Road, etc) that I don't enjoy. Listening to that Acerus album on their Bandcamp didn't help things either.
You'd take God Hates Us All over Stained Class?

Oh shit forgot about the two slayer duds mentioned earlier ... but yea, probably. Personally, I wouldn't reach for either of those two albums, but I'd take later Slayer over listening to halford wail any day of the week. Buuuuuutt I'd take Sad Wings, Sin After Sin, Stained Class and maybe even Rocka Rolla over Diabolus in Musica ... which is nothing more than a steaming pile of shit.