Controversial opinions on metal

Thank's for the highly intellectual contribution to this argument revolving egoistical bullshitters and ignorant kids who think they know more about metal than the majority, when the only information they have obtained has been from reading Wikipedia articles pertaining to these bands/sub-genres.

No problem. Glad I could be of service.
Nocturnus' two full lengths are better than Slayer's output after Seasons in the Abyss, I guess. I'm not sure that's saying much though.
Change "Seasons" to "Divine Intervention" and your statement is wholly correct. Again, its not saying much though.
No I've clicked it before it's just that I never actually read the words on the screen. I usually just skim, generally when a post in this thread is longer then 1.5 sentences I say fuck it. I forget stuff sometimes.
I gotta be honest. I really think Ruby Tuesday's dry rub ribs are better than World Painted Blood. Just saying.