Controversial opinions on metal

If you consider pioneering to mean 'becoming popular' then sure. But they didn't pioneer anything, they're just the ones who caught a break.

Comparing Slayer and Metallica and Venom is like comparing three different important bands in their own right. Venom are the pioneers. What Slayer did was set up a band with a guitarist who has solos that continue sound pretty much the same as they did on Show No Mercy, and have bands come in and try to compete with Kerry King as being the lofty solo guitarist. Metallica had a better solos in some respect, but they were of a different sound and they were the start to another part of metal. The competitive aspect of it is evident why Metallica and Slayer have been in competition since their bands first started, and that can be heard throughout their discographies. So neither one of them were 'pioneers' in that respect. The reason I say that Nocturnus is better than Slayer is because they did what Slayer was trying to do, better than they did if by anything, by Nocturnus' lead guitarist simply being better than Kerry King's solos. Nocturnus made a statement with their two albums as a response to Slayer. Kerry King isn't that great of a guitarist. So really, the only reason Slayer is an influence is due to their popularity and not due to their musicianship.

Why are you only talking about the fucking solos?
Whaaaa?? No love for Seasons?

Yeah I know its the Black Album of their discography, but there's no denying the epic singalongs that album has.

For that fact alone, despite the others, it is a must have.

Change "the first four" to "all up to Divine Intervention" and yes.

I forgot about Seasons. Yes, you both are correct.

Basically, anything before DI is worth having.
Yeah clearly my brain must not be working properly because I don't listen to Slayer anymore. It's not like I listened to Black Magic and Angel of Death 10,000 times or anything, repetitive thrash metal totally can't get old.
Also, how do some people complain about them being rehashed when their first 8 albums(almost a 20 year span)sound quite different from each other? Also, I understand why people who aren't fans of Slayer or even thrash would not like their last two albums, but I don't see how their fans, or thrash fans in general can trash them. They might not be fuckin' groundbreaking or anything, but solid thrash metal albums nonetheless.

edit: Regardless of what anyone of the haters here say, they're one of the greatest, most important metal bands of all time. How many other bands can you guys name that have 4-5 bonafide classic albums? And their first three albums stand head and shoulders above any other bands first three.
.... you're out of your fucking mind.

Putting Show No Mercy aside, King's solo in Skeletons of Society is one of their few that actually sounds composed to any reasonable degree, and his brief solo in Ghosts of War is surprisingly melodic and tasteful as well. Hallowed Point is maybe the best demonstration with both Hanneman's and King's solos beginning very similarly, but the former almost sounds out of tune and doesn't go nearly to the same places that King's does.

But feel free to point out your favorite Hanneman solos because there's a good chance I'm overlooking something.
So your asking who has better solos? Jeff did everything, and i mean EVERYTHING better than King, not just solos. You have Jeff to thank for some of the greatest riffs to have ever graced our ears. Like i said, anything Kerry can do with a guitar, Jeff did better ... everyone fucking knew that.

I don't listen to Slayer for their solos, but my two favorites would probably have to be the ones from Antichrist and Seasons in the Abyss ... plenty of other ones I like but these two would probably stand out the most.

... now just listen to them in that last track, are you really going to tell me that King is a better "soloist" than Hanneman?

Here are some of their other solos that are pretty cool ... way too many to each album to post but i'll throw out a few ...

War Ensemble
Behind the Crooked Cross
Die by the Sword
Angel of Death
Behind the Cooked Cross
Hardening the Arteries
Serenity In Murder
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Hanneman was by far the better song/riff-writer and lyricist, and more important to the band overall, I won't deny that. Seasons in the Abyss is a good example I'll admit, I'd give Hanneman the edge there.
Kerry King's anti religious lyrics have gotten watered down over the years. It's almost all he ever writes about anymore. We get it dude you're bald, collect snakes, have scary tattoos, you're in Slayer and you think Christianity is dumb. We know you're really edgey and stuff.

God bashing in metal anymore in general is beyond the point of cliche. As much as I disagree with Christian beliefs and shit I found myself rolling my eyes at such things in modern metal. Especially Slayer's newer stuff. Jeff's lyrics were always interesting.