Controversial opinions on metal

On the jollyfolk sentiment I guess it depends where you draw the line. Moonsorrow has some elements, but they're one of my favorite acts just due to the sheer quality of their music. Finntroll is solid, though admittedly I haven't heard their last few release. Jakens Tid is still an amazing album though... Tyr is good shit as well and they take the folk thing pretty seriously.

Korpiklaani and Turisas go over the line, however.
metal will live for a long time. i don't see the point in worrying about it as a genre though. think about it more critically, "metal" means, loads and loads of shit bands and some good ones. Nothing stops a band from putting out the best NWOBHM album in 1997 or the best thrash album in 2002. If you're that good, you become the movement.
Metal will still be around in 10 years. Maybe longer, but I personally do not care about what is going on in metal music for the most part. I listen to some newer albums and check some albums out once in awile, but I listen to the same old shit that came out in the early 90's. I'm 27 and have been listening to Death Metal since I was 15 years old and still love the shit. I listen to all kinds of music for the most part regardless.
Agreed. Pearl Jam wasn't all that great either. Jar of Flies and Superunknown are probably the best two Grunge albums.

Pearl Jam is my personal favorite band of the grunge era, or for any era as a matter of fact. Nirvana never did it for me. They have their catchy choruses but the rest of the music feels a little too superficial for the most part. Soundgarden were great. Chris Cornell has got a set of pipes for sure. AIC brought the heaviness, as did STP. But Pearl Jam has been constantly active, with a huge array of versatility, and the best stage performance money can buy. I love those guys. The clones, not so much.
Not sure if controversial: Quiet Riot was a terrible band, even when Randy Rhoads was in it. Only slightly redeeming song was Metal Health. Everything else was just bad. Horrible lyrics especially.

Good thing Ozzy found Randy.
The fact that people pay attention to things Ozzy did after Sabbath continues to puzzle me. Music would have lost nothing if Ozzy had died 40 years ago.
Eh, his solo career is celebrated for all the wrong songs. There are a few gems that don't get much attention, such as Zombie Stomp. Love that track. But yeah, not really relevant to the development of the genre...
As I'm approaching 30 I'm beginning to get pretty turned off by a lot of metal culture/aesthetics after being exposed to them for the better part of two decades. Particularly the facets that are done blatantly and specifically to shock or offend.

-Excessively gory album covers. I'm looking at you Death Metal. I mean, hey, go for it if you want to. As a Libertarian I'm not one for censorship, but have a little taste?
-Blatantly blasphemous names like "Rotting Christ" and overly satanic. I'm not at all religious myself, but again, have a little taste. Why go out of your way to offend others?
-Tattoos/piercings. Could it get any more ridiculous? Check a dating site or go to a show. Nearly every single woman on there with metal as a listed interest has marred their natural beauty in one way or another. The cuter they might otherwise be, the more they've fucked themselves over. Then these people with the band shirts and tats out the ass trying to pass themselves off as some kind of metal badass, but they don't know shit about the genre when you try to engage 'em in conversation. And I'm not even half the metal encyclopedia as some of the folks on this forum.

That being said, thankfully the genres go deeper. Viking/folk is largely not pro-Christian, but rather than fruitlessly tearing others down, they build up their beliefs/preferred aesthetics. Atmospheric BM and post metal tend to have a certain vagueness/subtlety in the aesthetics. If they do possess a certain viewpoint its less in your face and overtly offensive. Hell, we all know Varg's fucked up views, but it doesn't jump out at you if you buy an album and check the artwork, song titles, band name...

Guess I'm getting old ;)
Metal image has basically always been immature and tasteless in 95% of cases. If it wasn't for the riffs and passion I wouldn't want to have anything to do with it. I can think of maybe three people out of at least tens I've seen on campus that didn't like like total fucking morons sporting metal attire.
Meh, Metal is dead. Just listen to Manowar.

Also, Dickburger Boy looks like a prepubescent teen who just discovered Assparade but still jerks off with a pillow, so his thoughts on "metal image" are definitely skewed to his pedophilia-esque tastes.
I had to Google 'Assparade', and I'm still not sure that I know what it is. And a pillow is effective as hell, don't mock me just because I don't want to blow $100 on a super fancy masturbation device. I don't look anything like a prepubescent teen either. And I have a MILF fetish, not a loli thing (I'm not Mort or The Butt). So yeah, wrong on all counts. Either you're seriously confusing me with someone else or you're just trying too hard. You should have called me a crotchety prematurely-balding miserly virgin asshole instead.

EDIT: Oh, did you take my comment personally? Because you look legit awesome based on that most recent picture. If I saw you walking around on campus instead of some pasty ponytailed 90s Death/Sonata Artica/Burzum t-shirt-wearing faggot, I would have praised you. You're the only person on a metal forum I've seen that legitimately pulls off the big, hairy, and hyper-masculine metal stereotype correctly. I would let you indulge in all your pedophilia-esque fantasies and pop my virgin prepubescent cherry.
As I'm approaching 30 I'm beginning to get pretty turned off by a lot of metal culture/aesthetics after being exposed to them for the better part of two decades. Particularly the facets that are done blatantly and specifically to shock or offend.

-Excessively gory album covers. I'm looking at you Death Metal. I mean, hey, go for it if you want to. As a Libertarian I'm not one for censorship, but have a little taste?
-Blatantly blasphemous names like "Rotting Christ" and overly satanic. I'm not at all religious myself, but again, have a little taste. Why go out of your way to offend others?
-Tattoos/piercings. Could it get any more ridiculous? Check a dating site or go to a show. Nearly every single woman on there with metal as a listed interest has marred their natural beauty in one way or another. The cuter they might otherwise be, the more they've fucked themselves over. Then these people with the band shirts and tats out the ass trying to pass themselves off as some kind of metal badass, but they don't know shit about the genre when you try to engage 'em in conversation. And I'm not even half the metal encyclopedia as some of the folks on this forum.

Somewhat agreed but if the music's good I can get past it. Also I have no problem with tattoos. Piercings can get excessive.
I don't mind tattoos on a woman, or piercings. I'm more bothered by their communication abilities and how deep they are.
The fact that people pay attention to things Ozzy did puzzles me. Music would have lost nothing if Ozzy had never been born

As I'm approaching 30 I'm beginning to get pretty turned off by a lot of metal culture/aesthetics after being exposed to them for the better part of two decades. Particularly the facets that are done blatantly and specifically to shock or offend.

-Excessively gory album covers. I'm looking at you Death Metal. I mean, hey, go for it if you want to. As a Libertarian I'm not one for censorship, but have a little taste?
-Blatantly blasphemous names like "Rotting Christ" and overly satanic. I'm not at all religious myself, but again, have a little taste. Why go out of your way to offend others?
-Tattoos/piercings. Could it get any more ridiculous? Check a dating site or go to a show. Nearly every single woman on there with metal as a listed interest has marred their natural beauty in one way or another. The cuter they might otherwise be, the more they've fucked themselves over. Then these people with the band shirts and tats out the ass trying to pass themselves off as some kind of metal badass, but they don't know shit about the genre when you try to engage 'em in conversation. And I'm not even half the metal encyclopedia as some of the folks on this forum.

That being said, thankfully the genres go deeper. Viking/folk is largely not pro-Christian, but rather than fruitlessly tearing others down, they build up their beliefs/preferred aesthetics. Atmospheric BM and post metal tend to have a certain vagueness/subtlety in the aesthetics. If they do possess a certain viewpoint its less in your face and overtly offensive. Hell, we all know Varg's fucked up views, but it doesn't jump out at you if you buy an album and check the artwork, song titles, band name...

Guess I'm getting old ;)

Ozzy was definitely a hugely influential singer. The importance of the first 4 Sabbath albums really can't be overstated.