Controversial opinions on metal

lol, I have to wonder how many other metal musicians praised here there are that could have never been born to no significant consequence.
lol, I have to wonder how many other metal musicians praised here there are that could have never been born to no significant consequence.

Simplified: if Ozzy Osbourne could have never been born and nothing been lost, the same could be said of any of your favorite unimportant musicians
Okay, now for maybe a weird but not necessarily controversial statement.

I've realized I have for a long time been subconsciously categorizing metal into two groups in my mind, transcending whatever actual genre they are in. I can't put an exact label on them, but the closest I can describe it as "rural" vs "urban" - At any given time I really only want to listen to one or the other. I can't even really qualify what makes me put what where. I suppose the "rural" styling maybe has more flowing and organic song structures. Maybe even less abrasive vocal styles? There's definitely a lot more to it but I can't exactly find a good way to describe it...
I'm kinda with The Butt on that one. Especially Blizzard of Ozz, which is much better than any of the Virgin Steele and other forgettable shite that gets praised around here.

Okay, now for maybe a weird but not necessarily controversial statement.

I've realized I have for a long time been subconsciously categorizing metal into two groups in my mind, transcending whatever actual genre they are in. I can't put an exact label on them, but the closest I can describe it as "rural" vs "urban" - At any given time I really only want to listen to one or the other. I can't even really qualify what makes me put what where. I suppose the "rural" styling maybe has more flowing and organic song structures. Maybe even less abrasive vocal styles? There's definitely a lot more to it but I can't exactly find a good way to describe it...

I like to make up arbitrary classifications all the time as well so nothing weird about it to me, but I've never quite had one like this as far as metal is concerned. Closest would be what I see as the distinction between street and "lofty" metal, e.g. the Di'Anno albums vs the Dickinson ones, Exodus vs post-Kill Em All Metallica, maybe Gorefest vs Death, etc. Basically even when both sides may be concerned with social/political issues, the street wing addresses its audience much more directly and regarding issues on a more individual level, whereas the other side is a bit more third-person even if they are preaching openly. In general the former are also more to-the-point musically while the latter may try to get their message across with musical theatrics. Not saying this is a hard rule or anything, but I definitely get what you mean when I may be in the mood for one or the other even when you can find bands from both styles that share ground purely riff-wise.
I like aspects of it but the beginning is a bit jarring. Some of their songs are really great though, like approaching beating Manowar's good songs. They did have some misfires on the album Age of Consent though.

The problem with the Ozzy albums, is that the less popular songs on the albums are pretty much meh filler and the popular songs aren't exactly the best metal songs ever. The Ultimate Sin was basically Shot in the Dark plus some really sub par bollocks. That's from recollection though, maybe I need to re listen. Basically Ozzy is a bit meh. He's never done anything as good as some of the best Virgin Steel songs, outside of Black Sabbath / Heaven and Hell.
Crazy Train was proof that Ozzy without Sabbath was watered-down bullshit. No haunting melodies, no bluesy drums, no occult-based lyrics plaintively wailed, just poppy guitars and "learn how to love and forget how to hate". Fuck solo Ozzy.

Original Sabbath > Dio Sabbath > Dio solo > Ozzy solo.

I say "original" Sabbath because the dogshit of 13 was made to look all the more embarrassing when compared to Heaven & Hell's "Devil You Know".
I've always loved Crazy Train. There's some pretty watered-down bullshit on the original Sabbath albums too, although maybe those ones were more influenced by Ozzy (see: Hole in the Sky).

The Dio Sabbath albums can be a bit dull, The Devil You Know especially so. Dehumanizer is my favorite of the four.
now we're onto saying that Virgin Steele sucks? this place is goddamn retarded

not many bands can lay claim to have released 5 classic albums in a row like VS can.
not many bands can lay claim to have released 5 classic albums in a row like VS can.

haha, no. I'm assuming you're talking about Invictus and the two two-part albums on either end.

They're a bad Manowar knockoff and simply put an embarrassment. The riffs are almost non-existent, the long songs are bloated as bad as the average modern Iron Maiden "epic", the short ones are generic by-the-numbers trad which fail to convey any of the dorky-ass-shit that he's singing about. Production values are the only separating them from a band like Fireaxe.