Controversial opinions on metal

I love how Nirvana has turned into a band that kids like to be "different" or "cool", you know like, they'll brag about listening to "old" music over the current trendy stuff.

Yeah those are the youtube posts like "I'm 12 but I listen to real music like Led Zeppelin, not Justin Bieber."

What a stupid trend.
There isn't a single non-good song on Louder Than Love. A couple of them are a bit stupid/silly, but not enough to ruin anything. Kickass album all the way through, unlike Superunknown which can be dull and is way too damn long (although about half the album is still very good). Spoonman and 4th of July might be slightly higher highs than Ugly Truth and Hands All Over, though.

Hands all over and Loud Love are pretty much the only two songs that ever stuck out to me on Louder than Love, and I disagree about stupid/silly tracks not ruining stuff.
Stoner doom is an acquired taste.

Electric Wizard are definitely not overrated. Studio albums don't do them justice. They are to be experienced live. They're much much more psychedelic and eargasmic than they sound on studio albums.

Sleep, YOB, Electric Wizard, Neurosis, and Sunn are immaculate when it comes to drugged up metal.
Ronnie James Dio ruined Black Sabbath.

if you're saying the dio albums are weaker, i somewhat agree. personally, i prefer tony martin, gillan and ozzy albums over dio's.

but to say dio ruined sabbath is wrong. if anything, he brought sabbath back to the forefront after technical ecstasy and never say die.

the persons directly responsible for ruining sabbath as they were was ozzy and sharon
Ronnie James Dio ruined Black Sabbath.

Kill yourself.

Controversial opinion:
I am currently in a disagreement with a friend regarding the worth of folk metal (bands like Korpiklaani, Eluveitie, Ensiferum, Finntroll, etc, his favorite shit on the planet), vs folk-influenced metal (bands like Drudkh, Agalloch, Ulver, Primordial, etc).

Folk metal generally tries to push the "folk" aspect right in your face, with multiple layers of various "folk" instruments like flute, violin, accordion. From what I can gather, my friend is of the opinion that the more layered the sound, the better.

Folk-influenced metal, rather than relying on plethoras of instruments, opts for atmosphere alone; a stripped-down, more subtle, old Scandinavian/Pagan sound. I think an acoustic guitar is really the only additional instrument a band needs to make true, quality folk-inspired metal.

Now for the opinion: I simply think that folk metal music with various instruments crammed in, stuff of the former category, sounds fucking silly, juvenile, and obnoxious, and is only really "folk" in surface value only. I feel that folk-influenced bands of the latter category, play folky music that is much more mature, well-written, tasteful, and has much more substance.
The Butt posts come off as fucking silly, juvenile, and obnoxious. Not to mention jesus dude are you always this confrontational?
The best folk metal I've ever heard is Lion's Daughter and Indian Blanket's "A Black Sea" and if you disagree then fuck you. That's how folk metal is done.
The Butt posts come off as fucking silly, juvenile, and obnoxious. Not to mention jesus dude are you always this confrontational?

I see no reason why my posts here come off as any of those things. The dude and I are having a disagreement on music. Its not a big deal I just wanted to see what UM thought.
The new Arkona album is pretty good and decidedly unjoly. I don't know why I ever listened to Ensiferum though, because they're shit. Folk metal is awful shit mostly, but Primordial and Arkona are worthy of your listening time. I don't really listen to Primordial though, but I've liked what I have heard in the past. Folk metal is a subgenre with a very bad shit to good ratio, basically. The lion's daughter sound ok to me, on first listening, not much variation within a song though.
Soundgarden and AIC kick the crap out of Nirvava, I gotta say. I will also say the Screaming trees rival Nirvana. I just find Nirvana to be very overrated.

The only Nirvana album I really enjoy is Bleach. Oh, and Incesticide.

BTW... Badmotorfinger is SGs best ;)
fuck it. i enjoy ensiferums debut, thyrfings urkraft, and some finntroll. even moonsorrows voimasta has some jollyfolk sounds, and its their best.

that as far as i go with that sound, but i make no apologies. good fun stuff. dont have to be serious all the time
I literally haven't heard any stoner doom that I liked. It all just sounds like ok sound shame about the song.