Controversial opinions on metal

What the fuck? :erk: EDIT: at first few posts on page

Is thinking that Emperor's Prometheus has lackluster songwriting and incomplete conception controversial? I think it's my least favorite of their discography, and it seriously lacks structural unity. I've been told that it takes several listens to even begin to appreciate, so maybe it's just the n00b factor, but it doesn't seem as great as some people make it out to be.
It's the noob factor, I'd say. It's not controversial, however, to call that the least favorite of their discography.

And either you or view from nihil need to change your avatar.
Do not sit here and assume my intelligence based off of a post in some gay thread.
We don't assume it, we know it. I haven't seen a point go over someones head that much in quite some time. And if it weren't for the crappy cover and Bad Omen, yes PS would be better than RIP
I've never cared enough about Isis to listen to any of their material. What's so great about them that their names are mentioned so frequently?
I have no idea. I can't listen till the end a single song by them.

PS: I think that sentence sounded fucked up.
Isis is essentially the only Neurosis clone worth a damn, their early works are crushing heavy sludge, Oceanic is a good balance of sludge and post-rock, Panopticon is a lesser good balance, and In the Absence of Truth sucks ass.
What did I miss here??? I'm sitting here thinking this is all fun and games, and now I'm being called an idiot and criticized?? I did nothing to you. All of you can lick my cunt.

Do not sit here and assume my intelligence based off of a post in some gay thread.

It's one thing to post a controversial opinion on a specific issue, and it's quite another to post this huuuuuge generalizing blanket statement that is so completely ridiculous it's just mind-boggling. At least, I think that's the problem.

Then again, this entire topic is just a excuse for the boys around here to act even faggier than usual, so it's really no biggy.