Controversial opinions on metal

For example ... Pleasure to Kill absolutely obliterates everything Possessed has done, in every single aspect ... including "heaviness".

And that's just comparing it to 80's thrash. As of today, there are a shit load of thrash bands that are far heavier than possessed.
For example..... Then posts something horribly wrong. :lol:

Too bad kreator is Sodom's not as good little brother in every way.
For example..... Then posts something horribly wrong. :lol:
Which part of "PtK obliterates everything Possessed has done, in every single aspect of metal, including Heaviness" is horribly wrong? Please, i'd love for you to point them out ... but you probably just need to get your ears checked.

And i love Sodom, they're my favorite German thrash metal band ... but are you seriously trying to say that they're heavier(mainly referring to 80's material) than Kreator? :lol: Yea, you definitely need to get those ears checked ... i'd get an appointment asap if i were you :lol:
I don't think Sodom or Kreator are as heavy as Possessed, and I agree with Krow, Sodom > Kreator.

So let me get this straight, Seven Churches is heavier than Pleasure to Kill? :lol: Can you honestly look in the mirror and say that? :lol: Please i really want to now which of you agree with this so i can know how fucking clueless some of you guys are.
Like I said previously, Seven Churches is no heavier than Bonded By Blood. Death Metal is just a retread of the Impaler/Trapped Under Ice riff, Holy Hell is basically marching trad metal, Twisted Minds is full of stock speed/thrash riffing, etc. You have to be retarded to think that it's a heavier album that Pleasure to Kill.

For example..... Then posts something horribly wrong. :lol:

Too bad kreator is Sodom's not as good little brother in every way.

lolwut? Sodom doesn't have anything even close to Pleasure to Kill, and by the time of Persecution Mania (released a year AFTER PtK), they were playing speed/thrash that Razor had already done better the year before. Their earliest first-wave black metal stuff aside, Sodom is the quintessence of generic thrash metal.
I mean, Pleasure to Kill is basically the base on which Merciless built The Awakening, and surely no one would argue that The Awakening is less heavy than Seven Churches. And none of this is to say that I think PtK is necessarily a better or more important album, I just think Seven Churches is a lot closer to the Bay Area thrash of 1984, just tuned lower and with harsher vox.
lolwut? Sodom doesn't have anything even close to Pleasure to Kill, and by the time of Persecution Mania (released a year AFTER PtK), they were playing speed/thrash that Razor had already done better the year before. Their earliest first-wave black metal stuff aside, Sodom is the quintessence of generic thrash metal.
You're a retard for bringing an irrelevant band into that argument.
You're a retard for bringing an irrelevant band into that argument.

Krow brought Sodom up bro, not me.

"Seven Churches is no heavier than Bonded by Blood" Jesus fucking christ, are you on acid?

The Exodus and Slayer influence is so obvious that you have to be deaf not to hear it. I know you have a big chubby for all things OSDM, but try to be a bit objective bro. Seven Churches was just a first step towards death metal, it was still musically totally in line with the heaviest thrash bands of the time. Hell Awaits would be another example of a thrash album just as heavy.
In that case, no, they were relevant in demonstrating the silliness of the "little brother" argument. Pleasure to Kill sounds nothing like 84-86 era Sodom (too death/thrashy and not kvlt enough), and pretty much everything Sodom had done after that point was generic and could be just as easily accused of being second-rate.
Calling each other idiots over which band is heavier sounds really childish. More so when you started using pictures as reactions which is like the internet equivalent of sticking your tongue out instead of making a response. Brilliant.

Maybe you follow a different definition of 'heavy' or you think different aspects of music make it heavy? Why are you so stuck on it anyway?
'Heavier' is such a subjective thing. It has partially more to do with lyrics than riffs. Whatever subject matter is getting you down/you're thinking deeply about at the time is going to be interpreted as heavier lyrics.

For example existentialist lyrics can be heavier to a depressed person than satanic/killing lyrics or war lyrics or political lyrics or whatever... depending on their mind state.

As far as heavier riffs, that's also subjective. Do you mean faster, lower tuned, what? Those criteria don't even work because slow standard tuning riffs can be heavy as fuck: look at Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath.

It comes down to the feeling one gets when listening to the music. And we're all going to feel something different when we listen to any piece of music because we've all led different lives musically, and in general. Different memories will come to mind, different correlations with favorite bands etc. Also present mind-state matters a ton.

I feel like the heaviest song to any listener, subjectively, is the most recent song that has breached their defense system of musical listening interest, and at the same time shocked them/expanded on what they are normally adjusted to listening to. But if it is too far out of their spectrum of acquired taste, they will simply reject it as bad music.