Controversial opinions on metal

I find Dio has a ton of great songs, but his albums don't feel very distinct from each other. They're all homogeneous suites and it's bumming me out.
Yeah I go through periods of loving Dio, and being very bored with Dio. I'm not sure I would say one era of his career is better than another. There are amazing songs from Rainbow, Dio, and Black Sabbath all, if you're in the mood to hear them.

Stargazer, Last In Line, Heaven and Hell are all on the same level of near the traditional heavy metal pinnacle for me. And each is from a different band. I wouldn't venture to choose one of those bands as 'best'. (Although if you look at their careers as a whole, not necessarily including Dio, Black Sabbath clearly wins).
Agreed on Dio's stuff sounding pretty similar, disagreed on that being a bad thing. It kinda brings to my mind... There's nothing wrong with clone bands. Some people are hellbent on only listening to the first, or 'best', artist of a grouping that sounds highly similar. I say fuck that, if you dig one you'll dig the clones. Especially in cases of bands that are no longer active, a copycat is like listening to even more of something you can't otherwise have more of.
I don't think it's a bad thing, it just means that each album is just a set of songs rather than an exploration of a distinct and cohesive aesthetic the way albums like Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Screaming for Vengeance, or Heaven and Hell are. The result is, I have a bunch of favorite Dio songs but I don't feel that one album is really distinct from another.
I thought he meant it as those albums are very cohesive.

If not, I'm with Ozz for sure on Seventh Son.

EDIT: My post is now in response to a post that is no longer with us.

RIP, post.
I don't think it's a bad thing, it just means that each album is just a set of songs rather than an exploration of a distinct and cohesive aesthetic the way albums like Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Screaming for Vengeance, or Heaven and Hell are. The result is, I have a bunch of favorite Dio songs but I don't feel that one album is really distinct from another.


I absolutely adore some his Dio songs, but none of those albums come anywhere near Rising, Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules or Long Live Rock n Roll.

edit: and all three bands have their own distinctive sound. Other than Dio being on vox, they don't really share many similarities.
I thought he meant it as those albums are very cohesive.

If not, I'm with Ozz for sure on Seventh Son.
That was what I meant. You can tell a song from Heaven and Hell from a track from any other Sabbath album pretty quickly, although they did later sorta revist the aesthetic with Headless Cross.
Lately I'd take Dio's best solo stuff over his first two with Sabbath. I guess they don't sound *that* distinct from each other, in the sense that they're all firmly in trad metal land, but on a song-by-song basis he hasn't recycled himself too much imo, and with the various guitarists/songwriters in the band people shouldn't confuse albums too much. Holy Diver and The Last in Line are really riffy and full of energy, Dream Evil is a bit darker, less staccato and more melodic, Strange Highways is almost more a continuation of the Dehumanizer sound, his heaviest album, etc. There are less inspired albums in the mix (Sacred Heart and Master of the Moon especially) but it could be worse.
I never got into Sabbath or Dio but if I had to pick I'd probably go with Sabbath as I heard more of them growing up.
Ive heard most of dios stuff and none of it struck me as really something worth my time other than dehumanizer and h&h