Controversial opinions on metal

So Slayer basically did the same thing as CC by sticking to the same formula(minus an album or two in the 90's), but they somehow garnered a shit load of hate? That's pretty weird, especially when considering how much better of a band Slayer is than CC.

But yea, they should definitely just stick to what they've been doing ... because like Slayer, it's a big part of who they are.

with slams and shit.
Fuuucccckkk no!
But then you have bands like Anathema, that went from a doom band to gradually adding atmospherics and changing their sound to what they are today, with many slow melodies and female vocals.

Enslaved have changed their music, albeit more subtly, from black metal to a more progressive metal with a clean/growl mix.

Mastodon, Pantera, Celtic Frost (and especially Tom G. Warrior, with his latest excellent doomy/gothy Triptykon) all changed styles and evolved to be different at least as good as if not better music.

I think it depends on the bands, I can't imagine Slayer (or ACDC) doing anything much different, but many others like those above do it and it pays off.
Is it really fair to say Cannibal Corpse never changed? I've never been a fan in general, but from their thrashier early stuff to their quintessential mid 90s material to somewhat techier stuff after that I think they've at least had some mild changes in sound. The thing with Slayer is that their last couple albums are still completely thrash and recognizable as Slayer, but they don't have the quality or dynamics of their classic material. Some bands can recycle respectably, others get tiring.
Is it really fair to say Cannibal Corpse never changed? I've never been a fan in general, but from their thrashier early stuff to their quintessential mid 90s material to somewhat techier stuff after that I think they've at least had some mild changes in sound. The thing with Slayer is that their last couple albums are still completely thrash and recognizable as Slayer, but they don't have the quality or dynamics of their classic material. Some bands can recycle respectably, others get tiring.

Yea, but there aren't too many bands, if any that can later on match the quality of their earlier classics. Especially when were talking about what Slayer put out in the 80's. I don't think anyone ever expected them to surpass or even match the quality of those classics. I'm just saying they basically stuck to the same formula.

But i actually agree with you on CC, they've somewhat changed their approach and sound a couple of times throughout the years. Your description is spot on, went from thrashy DM to their signature sound in the 90's and they're definitely showcasing more of their technical chops with their last few releases.
UC, that was one of the stupidest fucking things I've read in at least a month. Go home, listen to some Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, and quietly disappear for an as-yet-undetermined amount of time

EDIT: I really, really don't like Mark Wahlberg.

You really take your metal seriously yea? I said they should experiment for one album...fucking calm down.
But then you have bands like Anathema, that went from a doom band to gradually adding atmospherics and changing their sound to what they are today, with many slow melodies and female vocals.

Enslaved have changed their music, albeit more subtly, from black metal to a more progressive metal with a clean/growl mix.

Mastodon, Pantera, Celtic Frost (and especially Tom G. Warrior, with his latest excellent doomy/gothy Triptykon) all changed styles and evolved to be different at least as good as if not better music.

I think it depends on the bands, I can't imagine Slayer (or ACDC) doing anything much different, but many others like those above do it and it pays off.
Don't forget Darkthrone.
To be honest Darkthrone's later albums are the only ones i really listen to much. Theyre fun as fuck. I could see where grimfags dont appreciate them much though.