Controversial opinions on metal

And now we're trashing FAftS? Fucking wow, yea i think i've had enough of this place for today.

Not trashing it, but I think it's funny how when everyone mentions it as one of the few albums that does the whole tremolo-picked counterpoint thing along with those first two AtG albums, it's still so unambitious compared to the death metal originals. Black metal is second-rate.

EDIT: Power & Pain is second-rate too, btw.
BurgerBoy, do you really think i care what you consider second rate when it comes to thrash? I've heard you refer to Sepultura and Sodom as second rate. I told you this a loooong time ago, thrash =/= you. Stick to your fates warnings and kings x's.

Oh and Power and Pain is better than every single album we've mentioned on this page so far(minus Schizophrenia) ... by far.
I have no idea how someone can consider Exodus second-rate and praise a decent but pretty generic speed/thrash album like Power & Pain.
It's not that i consider Exodus second rate. They are second rate, they're basically the definition of that word. Power and Pain shits on everything from them.

edit: and i have no idea why some people keep throwing speed metal in there when describing Whiplash. Do you guys not know what fucking speed metal is? It's the same retards who refer to Slayer, Testament, Metallica, Megadeth etc. as speed metal.

Walls of Jericho is speed metal, Battalions of Fear is speed metal, not fuckin' Slayer and Whiplash. Power and Pain is pure fucking thrash metal.
I think "speed metal" is kind of a vague term, but the point is that there is a bit less palm-muting on it than its contemporaries, and overall it gets pretty close to Skeptics Apocalypse territory (sans vocals of course).
The fuck? King's-X is awesome..

With the whole Darkthrone thing: FOAD can FOAD. Boring attempt at crust punk.

Volcano was one of the first extreme metal albums I bought. Not pure black metal but I have a soft spot for that album.

Where's Mathias? I know he's a huge Satyricon fan

Satyricon is second rate trash not worth listening in general.

Your opinions are second rate trash not worth listening to in general
It's not that i consider Exodus second rate. They are second rate, they're basically the definition of that word. Power and Pain shits on everything from them.

edit: and i have no idea why some people keep throwing speed metal in there when describing Whiplash. Do you guys not know what fucking speed metal is? It's the same retards who refer to Slayer, Testament, Metallica, Megadeth etc. as speed metal.

Walls of Jericho is speed metal, Battalions of Fear is speed metal, not fuckin' Slayer and Whiplash. Power and Pain is pure fucking thrash metal.
Whiplash is pure thrash but you dogged on Nasty Savage? Get the fuck out of here
Yea, i hate to say it, but you must be a fucking idiot if you are a)trying to say that Whiplash aren't pure thrash b) for trying to even imply that Nasty Savage are in some way more thrashier than them. :lol::lol: Fuckin' hilarious!! Do you not have a working set of ears bro?

edit: Be honest, have you even listened to Power and Pain? Because after that post it's clear to me you're just typing/talking out of your ass.

.. now please, tell me that's not thrash metal or that Nasty Savage are more thrashier than that(not even in the same fuckin' ballpark!):lol:
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You must be a fuckin' retard if you think that album is second rate thrash. But then again i'm not surprised, considering the 3rd rate garbage you keep listing in your favorites and "top" lists. :lol:

Now, onto more controversy ....

80's Priest > 70's Priest
No, that album is seccond rate.
And Nasty Savage is straight up rockin' ass thrash. How you think otherwise is beyond me. If Whiplash is your preference, I'm sorry for your loss. Fuck it, I'm blasting god damned Dark Angel today. Fuck your shit taste in mediocre thrash.
Ouch, dude. My life is garbage. Ha.

I just want everyone to know that I listen to Mortician more than I should. I enjoy their jumble fuck of noise water. They've got a charm. At least up to Darkest Day of Horror...

Actually, Chainsaw was a fun record honestly.
No, that album is seccond rate. Fuck your shit taste in mediocre thrash.

my taste in thrash >> your taste in everything.

Most people here have shitty taste when it comes to thrash anyway and are absolutely clueless(you're an example). If you asked 10 huge thrash fans who they would rather listen to, i'm pretty sure 9 out of 10 would say Whiplash. That album is a fucking gem and is almost unanimously respected by the thrash metal community. I always end up reading some kind of shocking bullshit here that i have never heard throughout my 20+ years of listening to the genre and being around nothing but thrasheads. But no, Whiplash is second rate thrash, and nasty savage are an ever thrashier band than they are .... :lol: You guys are a fucking joke man, you shouldn't be labeling albums and bands that you seem to know absolutely nothing about. Like i said, the opinions here never cease to amaze me.

With a garbage life or enjoying Mortician? Haha
The former. I'm currently stuck in a rut myself.

edit: Looking back at the first post on this page, how in the world did i "dog" Nasty Savage? All i said was they're not a full on thrash band. Reading comprehension problems?
You act as if I, or none of us, listen to or have been around thrash. I didn't say Nasty Savage is thrashier, I said they're better. Every thrash fan I know would take NS over Whiplash any day. They are a cheesy, sloppy, wanna be thrash band. Playing thrash riffs doesn't necessarily make you good. Otherwise we would all love Municipal Waste and Laaz Rockit

I love Laaz Rockit

EDIT: Is loving Laaz Rock controversial? Because Annihilation Principle is one of my favs.
Every thrash fan I know would take NS over Whiplash any day.

:lol: Yea, that's a fucking lie ... 100%

So a nasty savage fan is calling Whiplash cheesy? lololllllll oh wow, like i said, this place NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Playing thrash riffs doesn't necessarily make you good.

Of course it doesn't, but playing some of the best thrash riffs of their time certainly does. How the fuck do you go off bringing Municipal Waste into this conversation? Are you really comparing their riffing to the signature riffs and sound of Power and Pain? :lol: Please, just stop it already!