Controversial opinions on metal

Well mopst of their discog would fall under 2nd rate. But are you guys saying Power and Pain is second rate thrash? :lol: What bunch of fucking tossers. I'm glad it was brought up at least, now i truly know how clueless some of you guys here are. I can't wait to show this page to a few of my buddies, it'll give us a good laugh while were pounding our Sunday brews.

You guys need to go listen to Insult to Injury and Ticket to Mayhem. Not on the level of their debut, but still some killer stuff.

edit: Anyone that calls Power and Pain 2nd rate thrash shouln't even be allowed to comment on thrash anymore. Your poser cards have been pulled guys. I'm going to bookmark this page.
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If we're talking only about Power and Pain, it's far from 2nd rate. Of course, I don't know what you mean by 2nd rate thrash, it isn't one of the best Thrash albums but it's great.

Nasty Savage is decent, but slower and not as good as Power and Pain. The riffs and vocals are quite mediocre.
You should, pretty solid power/thrash.

Not quite Paradox or early Flotsam and Jetsam level, but still good.
Man, early Flotsam is soooo good. I haven't heard any of the newer Paradox I don't recall, but those first 2 are the fucking tits. Did they suck with the layer stuff or are they still that good?
Well mopst of their discog would fall under 2nd rate. But are you guys saying Power and Pain is second rate thrash? :lol: What bunch of fucking tossers. I'm glad it was brought up at least, now i truly know how clueless some of you guys here are. I can't wait to show this page to a few of my buddies, it'll give us a good laugh while were pounding our Sunday brews.

So then Whiplash is 1st rate thrash, what else is first rate? Sure as fuck ain't no Kill Em All or Show No Mercy
LOL! Do you not know how to fuckin' read?

But yes, Power and Pain is first rate thrash, and no it's not as good as those two albums you mentioned. But RtL is a better album than Kill Em All, does that make KEA second rate? Regardless, PaP is one of the best thrash metal albums from the mid 80's and one of the best TM debut albums of all time imo. So yeah, it's definitely first rate.
I don't give a shit if you're talking about an album or the band, what else is a first rate album to those beautiful ears of yours that know posers and not when you're drinking PBR with your friends making fun of anonymous people on a message board