Controversial opinions on metal

Testament has always been second rate, nothing they've done is particularly interesting

They're honestly even a tier below bands like Annihilator
Kill yourself.

Why listen to shitty thrash like Testament when I could be listening to a band like Rosenfeld?

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Power and Pain and Testament are 2nd rate "shitty" thrash. :lol: That's almost fucking sig worthy.

Chuck Billy is one of the greatest thrash metal vocalists of all time.
Alex Sklolnik is one of the best lead guitarists of all time. And Eric Petersons rythm guitar is matched by only a few. Gene Hoglan, Steve DiGiorgio, Paul Bostaph, James Murphy etc. Yeah, those are all second rate musicians bro. :lol:

:lol: Every single track from The Legacy and The New Order shit on that song.
Yeah, i know. You weren't being a dick at all bro. If anything i was the one who was being kind of assholeish, lol.

But hey that's me, im the king of being "dickish" around these parts. :lol:

Do you fuck with instagram? If so then just send me that shit through there, wouldn't mind checking out a fellow thrashers list.
The more I listen to Sabbat (UK) the more I can't stand them, especially that first album. Walkyier is full of fire but there are almost no quality riffs, and the songs can get overlong. Dreamweaver brought more ideas to the table musically, but it's still mostly Walkyier that holds it together.
The 92-94 run was great, but the next two are such horrible attempts at alt rock. Irrational Anthems has a few highlights, but some of the songs are basically Soundgarden leftovers + fiddle.
Everythung up and including poverty line is great stuff. I have a soft spot for vintage whine. Irrational anthems and folkemon have some great stuff, some garbage