Controversial opinions on metal

Stratovarius is underrated? They are the epitome of cheese ass faggotry.

God Hates Us All was sooo bland and dumb. Fuck that album. I'm with Ozz: Seasons was their last good release.

Onder, while I disagree a little on Demigod, I won't argue it either. Slumber was a great record, but I think the hype is strictly based on their geographic location rather than the music. But Ashore the Celestial Burden is, at best, good background music while cleaning the house or something.
After those songs up there, no. I don't think we've missed a thing. I did not care for that, waif. Rare miss from you, seeing as I agree with you much more often than I disagree with you.

The problem is that in order to follow the lyrics and get the whole experience, I have to hear that music. No overall experience can outweigh music I don't want to hear.

I'll accept this. They're a personal favorite, but I have to admit the lyrics are the primary draw. Not that they haven't written some extremely catchy tunes, but that style of folk/metal/rock is not for everyone.
Skyclad rules. Lyrically they're probably the best in all of metal, and solid tunes to go along with it.

Like most of what they did prior to Walkyier leaving, but Prince of the Poverty Line is my favorite.

But songs like Penny Dreadful and Great Blow for a Day Job, so good.
I'll accept this. They're a personal favorite, but I have to admit the lyrics are the primary draw. Not that they haven't written some extremely catchy tunes, but that style of folk/metal/rock is not for everyone.

Skyclad rules. Lyrically they're probably the best in all of metal, and solid tunes to go along with it.

Like most of what they did prior to Walkyier leaving, but Prince of the Poverty Line is my favorite.

But songs like Penny Dreadful and Great Blow for a Day Job, so good.
I'm HUGE on lyrics, too. Maybe I'm being shallow. Name one album to listen to and I'll listen through it's entirety. If the lyrics are as good as you guys say, it may redeem them slightly.
Last two Slayer albums haven't been bad at all you twats. Obviously they're nowhere near the level of their earlier work. But i just I don't see how you can be a fan of the band and yet trash those albums, i just don't. Makes me question if some of you guys even liked Slayer to begin with, or were just trying to gain some type of "poser badge".

Yea, i said poser again. bringz it.

GHUA and Diabolus are their only two albums that truly not worth listening too.
No, its not that the albums are terrible, they're just terrible for Slayer. I'd take any of their albums over most average thrash, but they set such a standard of quality for themselves that they disappointed in the latest few offerings. That's all.
I dont know dick about thrash, I just know what I like and what I dont like, and I know I dont like Slayer post Seasons.

I still need to give old Sepultura (Pre Beneath The Remains) a try. One of the few thrash bands I could appreciate and enjoy.
Didn't fix much because I agree with you. All 4 are great.

Oh, and Roots. It's awesome possum. Ha!

EDIT: Speaking of Root, I love that band. Well, not the last 2. But most of their shit is really good. Big Boss is a pimp. That's not controversial, just facts.
Only early death/thrash Sepultura is great. The Roadrunner-era thrash stuff is dry as fuck, although Chaos AD is pretty good too.