Controversial opinions on metal

Skyclad were at their best when they left a lot of the metal elements behind. Irrational Anthems, Vintage Whine, and Folkemon are my favorites. Wayward Sons is a pretty cool little thrash oddity, but it just doesn't get the head banging enough to be a full on thrash classic. Our Dying Island is a killer song, though.

I really like Sabbat (UK), but I don't listen to them a lot and I wouldn't fault anyone for not being into it. Those dry dry Sneap production jobs don't really help either.
Wrong. Theyre great. They are best when listenung to entire albums and following walkyiers satire lyrics. Dont judge based on a fucking youtube sample
The problem is that in order to follow the lyrics and get the whole experience, I have to hear that music. No overall experience can outweigh music I don't want to hear.
"controversial" opinion: Accept's "Blood of the Nations" is easily the weakest of the three Tornillo albums yet is shockingly often considered its best. Meanwhile, both Stalingrad and Blind Rage destroy it. Heck, it's not even as strong as the 90s Udo-reunion albums.
- Ashore the Celestial Burden is overrated. Slumber of Sullen Eyes is overrated.
Ashore the Celestial Burden is excellent, mostly because it takes heavily after trad/doom. Slumber doesn't do a whole lot for me either though, although I think I still need to give it more time. I can acknowledge interesting moments, maybe even a couple very strong songs, but a lot of it seems kinda average.
Primordial is fucking awful...

1994 was the best year for black metal...

Stratovarious is under rated...

Cain's Offering's only album (Gather the Faithful) is the best "unknown" power metal record ever made...

Slayer's upcoming album will be immensely boring and one of their worst...
Primordial is fucking awful...

Fuck that. Though they seem to have become a lot more popular with the past two albums, which is silly because they're both boring and the two before them are far better whilst being just as 'accessible'.

1994 was the best year for black metal...

How is that controversial?

The "80s black metal is best black metal!!!!" crowd are a minority.

1994 has Transilvanian Hunger, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Vikingligr Veldi, In The Nightside Eclipse, Dark metal, Dark Medieval Times, Pentagram.

i.e. a whole load of albums people normally bring up when talking about the most important or best BM albums.