Controversial opinions on metal

Neige's vocals make my butthole tingle, I'm completely straight but I would fuck the essence of his voice without hesitation.
Neige's vocals make my butthole tingle, I'm completely straight but I would fuck the essence of his voice without hesitation.

So Niege joins the butt boat with Fursy Teyssier?

Im a pretty big Niege fanboi and am perfectly ready for the onslaught of hate thats gonna spew forth. But to me hes contributed solid material to some of my favorite bands, including Alcest, Lantlos, Amesoeurs, Mortifera, Peste Noire...
So Niege joins the butt boat with Fursy Teyssier?

Im a pretty big Niege fanboi and am perfectly ready for the onslaught of hate thats gonna spew forth. But to me hes contributed solid material to some of my favorite bands, including Alcest, Lantlos, Amesoeurs, Mortifera, Peste Noire...

I REALLLLLY can't stand Amesouers or however the hell you spell it. But I'd probably fight you for Neige's affections.
I thoroughly enjoy all the alcest material except that latest abortion.

Amesoeurs was alright. Mortifera was good.

Mortifera was good. Now theyre dog shit. Vastiia tenebrd mortifera is one of my favorite black metal albums, ever.

And I enjoy Alcest's newest. I didnt at first, and its probably the album I listen to the least, but there are some great tracks on it. Away, Opale and La nuit marche avec moi are a few that come to mind.
I own Scum, Utopia Banished and Words from the Exit Wound and I like the latter the best. I heard a few songs from the new one and I'm not sure if I dig it yet.


The first Satyricon album I got was Volcano and I fucking love that record. Not pure black metal obviously but I really like it. I still own the original copy I bought 15 years ago or whenever it was.

Somewhere in Time is one of my top Maiden records imo. Seventh Son is slowly creeping up there. SIT is the most epic of their releases in my opinion. I don't think there's a dud on that one at all. Now, Fillers on the other hand..oh wait, I meant Killers...
Powerslave is clearly the most epic one. Somewhere in Time was a half-hearted step towards a poppier 80s rock sound, and was the first album where they really started abusing repetition for the purpose of padding song lengths.

Killers is masterful.
I don't like modern Napalm Death.

I agree with this. Really like "How The Years Condemn" and I feel that they'll always have a few gems here and there, but for the most part their newer stuff is poop compared to their older releases. God I hate the tracks with clean singing.
God I hate the tracks with clean singing.

Seriously? Can you link me?

I think I listened to Utilitarian once, and never listened to it again. Just not my grindcore cup of tea, its too polished. Ill probably listen to their newest when Im bored one day but I dont really have a desire to. Their first three albums is all I want or care for.
Seriously? Can you link me?

I think I listened to Utilitarian once, and never listened to it again. Just not my grindcore cup of tea, its too polished. Ill probably listen to their newest when Im bored one day but I dont really have a desire to. Their first three albums is all I want or care for.

It's almost more like talking or chanting like in Morale (which I actually don't mind). It has been popping up more frequently in the later releases.

around 1:04

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It's almost more like talking or chanting like in Morale (which I actually don't mind). It has been popping up more frequently in the later releases.

around 1:04

I take it you don't like Killing Joke.
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