Controversial opinions on metal

I've haven't noticed him posting that many tech-death albums, or maybe they're just shitty bands that i've never heard of? Not quite sure.

Vanilla isn't even a derogatory term. It just describes the subgenre at its purest form without branching off into other places. A lot of OSDM (early Death and Morbid Angel) is vanilla death metal.

basically vanilla = regular
Lol, there's no such thing as vanilla tech-death, son. "Vanilla" would be more appropriately labeled to most of the generic slam garbage you listen to.

Also, the tech-death i listen to is fucking elite. It's not my fault you're too softheaded to understand.

And you're clearly wrong, whitechapel and suicide silent are my favorite things ever. Can we be buddies now? :rolleyes:

99% of tech-death sucks. :danceboy:

yeah but you can't get more vanilla then the bands i mentioned earlier

Sabbath and Priest are better than anything you listen to tbh.

u mad, bro?
What straight man doesn't?

Regardless though, it gave me an opportunity to get another tech death jab in so it got the job done.
A lot of tech death is a bunch of otherwise good musicians just wanking on their instruments with some harsh vocals, and no thought to good songwriting. Some of it has enough fireworks that fit together to stay entertaining, like a hollywood action flick or something. It has the potential to be incredibly awesome, I just feel like that potential is seldomly realized.

What is?

Do you twats down there in australia not know what vanilla means?

@Baroque: When i listen to an album like Incurso, a "hollywood action flick" is the last thing i'd compare to those near perfect, highly intricate and dense compositions. Far from it. It's just as good as most of the best tech-thrash albums out there ... in just about every way, and that's including songwriting. Same can be said for many other technical death metal bands like Obscura, Gorod, Atheist, Martyr, Gorguts, Suffocation, Gorguts, Psycroptic, Ulcerate, Decapitated etc.