Controversial opinions on metal

I think the Garage album is great.

I see all the arguments for AJFA and there are times when I listen and go "if they had just produced it better and tightened up the songs this would be the best". But they didn't. Not only that, but from what I understand that thin production was an intentional choice because of Cliff or some horseshit, so it's not like they did a great job and got screwed by the producer.

I think the production fits the music and subject matter perfectly. I'd go so far as to say I love the production on that record.
This one is a bit of a blanket opinion, but when black metal bands are from another country, by default its better when they use their native language than in English.

I understand that more than half of the time you cant make it out anyway, but theres just something superior to me about that...
I can sorta agree. It seems more honest when they speak in their native tongue. I won't FAULT a band for singing in English. But if they speak in their own language they get a bonus point.
I kinda do fault the band.

Take Drudkh for example, I was just listening to them today and thought about this. They are from fucking Ukraine. Id love to hear that shit in Ukrainian. On the vinyl insert, see the Ukranian language with an English translation. To me that would be so fucking badass.

Mortifera, one of my favorites, sing in French.

Negura Bunget, another example.


Its stupid, I know English is becoming, or is the Universal Language, but keep to your roots is where I am coming from. Its like they convert to English to yield to a wider audience, I guess thats my turn off....
This is an opinion on rock as well as metal, but I think Led Zeppelin and Rush suffer due to their vocalists utilizing or having a range that fits too much into the high end, if you know what I mean. I think Judas Priest, despite being less esteemed than those bands in the mainstream, pull off the high pitched vocals much better and actually don't overuse them, in comparison. The other two bands just come across as jarring to listen to me.
I'd a agree that Halford is a better vocalist (one of the best power-vocalists in the history of popular music) but Plant isn't far behind and Lee is excellent in his own right. I get it, some people find them "jarring" or whatever, but the vocals are powerful and capture each band's mood perfectly.

As much as I love Judas Priest, they are not on the same level as Rush or Led Zeppelin. Priest have hurt themselves way too many times with straight up bad releases, which is something that cannot be said about even Rush and Zeppelin's weakest efforts.
As much as I love Judas Priest, they are not on the same level as Rush or Led Zeppelin. Priest have hurt themselves way too many times with straight up bad releases, which is something that cannot be said about even Rush and Zeppelin's weakest efforts.

Man, it's hard for me to say here. I think almost every Priest album is solid in its own way except for maybe Painkiller because that album has the title track and then it's variations of said track the rest of that album. I do like a few tracks on that album though. Jugulator is another poor release in my opinion. Demolition is just ridiculously good for what it is. If it were a Ripper solo record it wouldn't be panned so much.

I think albums like Turbo and Ram It Down were actually better than people realize for what they were. Ram It Down was more of a transitional album and that might be why it's panned. Same goes for Point of Entry and Turbo.

With Rush, I think the weakest releases they had were Presto, maybe Hold Your Fire and Clockwork Angels. A lot of the 80s and 90s stuff gets panned from Rush but it's pretty strong. Counterparts comes to mind. I think that is one of Rush's most underrated releases. Solid modern hard rock in my opinion.

Vapor Trails is one of my favorites and that might be because I had a greater appreciation for it after reading Peart's book Ghost Rider

I can't wait to finally see this band in June.
Painkiller is one of Priests best. Its such a consistent album. And Night Crawler is one of their best songs. Fact.

Also I like Demolition and I don't see the hate for Ripper Priest. He's a good singer... Just not in Iced Earth.
You fellate a band like DP til it makes us all nauseous, but deny the greatness that is Zeppelin?

Your stupidity even surpasses your own comprehension.

Zeppelin's material shits on Deep Purple. Fact.
They're innovative and really good but the fucking vocals are so jarring somehow. Even Kingdom Come are more listenable some how.
You fellate a band like DP til it makes us all nauseous, but deny the greatness that is Zeppelin?

Your stupidity even surpasses your own comprehension.

Zeppelin's material shits on Deep Purple. Fact.

A band like Deep Purple? What the fuck does that even mean? So me liking DP makes you "nauseous"? :lol: Like i said before you are the fucking pure definition of a poser. "He likes this band so i dont", "they're too popular for me" "im too old and cool to listen to them" .. all retarded reasons that you've given for not liking certain bands. You're a fucking tool bro, people like you make me sick.

Zeppelins material cant even be compared to DP. "FACT"!
A band like Deep Purple? What the fuck does that even mean? So me liking DP makes you "nauseous"? :lol: Like i said before you are the fucking pure definition of a poser. "He likes this band so i dont", "they're too popular for me" "im too old and cool to listen to them" .. all retarded reasons that you've given for not liking certain bands. You're a fucking tool bro, people like you make me sick.

Zeppelins material cant even be compared to DP. "FACT"!

I was trying to point out the comedy of fellating a band, like Deep Purple, but denying the greatness of Led Zeppelin. (Maybe in my previous post, I shouldve used a comma)

And at no point, did I ever say this was a popularity contest, or "if so and so likes this then I dont", and never have, so Im not sure how far you had to reach up your ass to pull this shit out, but ok bro.
I just don't see how a fan of heavy metal can sit there and say that Zeppelin were a better band than Purple. That's something i'd expect from fans of Aerosmith or something. Child in Time(for example) destroys everything in Zepps discog ... and that's just one track i'm namedropping. Flight of the Rat(which BS sampled on VOL.4), Pictures of Home, Speedking etc( i can honestly fill this page up)... all better than anything zeppelin has ever done.