Controversial opinions on metal

This isn't my opinion per se but I've heard people say this before!!! So it DOES count as a controversial opinion on metal.

"The metal genre was influenced by punk and is basically a heavier version of punk music".

What?! Say it isn't true. I can't stand punk, does anyone have a logical and/or informed comeback to this?

On that note..ive also heard people say that punk was heavily influenced by metal. So I really don't know what to believe now.
A lot of NWOBHM and thrash was influenced by punk, and by extension, you could say that their child genres (death, black, power, etc.) were as well. But to say metal is just a heavier version of punk is pretty silly. The two styles have much different mindsets, and some subgenres of metal have vastly different song structure too.
it would have been even more ingenious had dead not offed himself and sang on the album instead :p

Dead's vocals weren't meant for DMDS's production. Dead's are more straightforward and balls-out rough, perfect for a low-fi recording like Live In Leipzig. Attila doesn't rely on shouting. Instead he is more dynamic and in line with the darker feeling of DMDS.
I always found it interesting how black metal vocals became stereotyped a certain way when bands like Emperor (demo), Darkthrone, Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, and Ulver all had pretty different vocal approaches.

Something for the thread: Rush belongs in Metal Archives.
Slayer sucks. Period. No member of their band is a good musician.

Swedish BM is better than Norwegian BM.

Claiming that no one in Slayer is a good musician is unfounded. At the very least, it's overwhelmingly agreed upon that Lombardo is a great and influential metal drummer.

What Swedish releases are you basing this on?

Plenty of people think Averse Sefira is a good band.