Controversial opinions on metal

On Show No Mercy, Tom didn't even have his typical voice yet. The vocals definitely sound different than they do on the other albums. Actually, Haunting the Chapel and Hell Awaits sound like somewhat of a transition point.
Yeah, I find the vocals on Show No Mercy to be lacking a little bit. It's still a great album but I think Slayer truly reached their peak with Haunting the Chapel and Hell Awaits.
Slayer is ok, the voice is shit tho, but Seasons in the Abyss is one of the greatest metal songs of all time

Araya has a terrible voice, but fits Slayer well. Also not the "Seasons in the Abyss" song is great, but the whole album is a masterpiece.
i kind of like the title track, maybe the best thing on it, it's a really bad album though. in fact if they'd broken up after reign in blood the world would be a better place

slayer's music decreased in quality far more than metallica's ever did
I also really like the title track on Seasons. Wish I could say this about the entire album.

It was the first Slayer song I had ever heard. I was probably 13 when I first saw it on Headbanger's Ball and I just couldn't believe it. I wasn't much into metal back then outside of Metallica and Iron Maiden so when I hear the what was then evil sounding music combined with that then eerie video I was like "Whoa, shit."
you clowns amaze me... the first five slayer albums are fucking genius... even divine intervention is good
people who like 'seasons' aren't half as annoying as people who don't like 'reign in blood' anyway

now then, what's everyone's favourite song on show no mercy
i think as a whole i like 'show no mercy' slightly more than 'bonded by blood', but it doesn't come close to that album's peaks
My thoughts exactly. I disagree with you about Seasons though. There a couple filler songs no doubt but I think War Ensemble, Dead Skin Mask and the title track save it.

people who like 'seasons' aren't half as annoying as people who don't like 'reign in blood' anyway

now then, what's everyone's favourite song on show no mercy
Black Magic barely edges out Crionics
Slayer-Early days- you have to admit they did look glammy

