Controversial opinions on metal

I believe they are what you call "post-metal". There are a bunch of excellent bands from this sub genre. When I'm in the mood for something less evil/brutal, I throw on some Pelican or Red Sparrowes. :)
As I've stated on several occasions before, I do not like Reign In Blood, like, at all. But recently I've started listening to Show No Mercy, and, well, I like it a whole lot better than anything I've previously heard by Slayer. Does this redeem me?

(Not that I really care if it does or not, I still don't like RIB)
^You're actually quite right, and it had me moderately surprised. Can't wait to hear this in decent quality. If the rest of the songs on Ultra Beatdown (worst album title ever) are as good as this, it might even be better than Sonic Firestorm.
Valley of the Damned is their best and they haven't come close to it since

EDIT: This track is reminiscent of their first album though, so I might actually get this
Dragonforce number one choice in Dildo's.

(they have vaginas)

Shub Niggurath>>>>>>>>>>>>Nerurosis

What lies at the basis of that comparison anyway?

I happened to be listening to them at the time, and Slayer was being talked about.

Plus Neurosis has been around for 20 something odd years - have released 10 albums - and none of those albums are anything less than spectacular. Slayer has been around for roughly the same amount of time - put out two fantastic albums, one that I personally dislike but understand why people do like, and then the rest were terrible.

On top of that Neurosis has managed to almost reinvent themselves with every release and not fuck up once.

Stoner doom and sludge own the shit out of thrash as well while I'm at it.
You've obviously never heard Isis' early material. Mosquito Control and The Red Sea are far more heavy compared to the stuff on their full lengths. Celestial is great too.

If you listened to Oceanic (their best imo), Panopticon, or In the Absense of Truth I'd honestly understand hating them though.