Controversial opinions on metal

Yeah, I realized what you were saying. I was more referring to the original post.

Still, I don't see loving Pantera or hating King Diamond to be very controversial. I've encountered a number of people on these forums who don't like Diamond and many who like Pantera.

When I first heard KD's vox I was like WTF is this?! But after listening to the album all the way through (Melissa) I feel in love with it. Honestly it doesn't really get much more metal than 80's MF and KD. :kickass:
It's interesting to speculate what modern extreme music would have been like had it not been for Sabbath. I do think that without Sabbath, rock definitely still would have gotten harder and more extreme, but the most extreme modern form of it may very well have sounded a bit different than the extreme metal we have today. I dunno.
Yeah, I'm sure it would have progressed, but definitely at a slower pace. They were just so heavy and dark for their time, and it spoke to so many people. Definitely a catalyst for the metal movement, moreso than any other band probably.
Doom metal would of came out, because didn't Pentagram hardly know about Black Sabbath? Sorry for my ignorance if I'm wrong.
I'm sick of people stating how a certain kind of music wouldn't have evolved without the influence of a certain band, in this case, Black Sabbath.

I'm certain that even if Sabbath hadn't been there to take metal to the next level, another band would. Perhaps it would've taken longer, or perhaps this other band would've been less, or even more successful than Sabbath. Ultimately, the only thing I think would've changed would be the popularity of different styles and subgenres within metal. Well, that, and some life and death issues. I mean, that guy wouldn't have been hit by that car if he wasn't headed for that Sabbath show, you know, butterfly effect kinda thing.

Well actually, more like the earthquake effect. Unexplainable disappearance of Black Sabbath from all time and space? MASSIVE earthquake.
I agree. Heretic is pretty good, though definitely not great. And I would definitely say it's better than Gateways to Annihilation and Formulas Fatal to the Flesh.

the problem with the album is that its got way too much filler on it... the first four tracks however are really friggin' good. so when the album is good, it's really good, but there's alot on it that is very meh.
@ cherko: I agree, that I really do hate people mindlessly worshipping older bands merely for being the originator (not saying that's the case here, but I've experienced it before).

But you cannot deny that without Sabbath, metal would not be as it was today. They were a major part of it's evolution, and to say otherwise would be just... incorrect.
Gorguts fans, does anyone else feel that the second half of Obscura is nowhere near as engaging as the first? I think if the album ended with Subtle Body, it would have been just perfect, but instead it drags on for another excruciating 25 minutes. Sooo long. I really like the track Faceless Ones in the second half. The rest however, not so much.