Controversial opinions on metal

Best gateway into Black Metal to me was always Under A Funeral Moon, well it was mine anyways, that and Through Chasm, Caves and Titan Woods funnily enough, those riffs are so basic and catchy it's hard not to enjoy that EP.

I don't particularly care about Windir for whatever that opinion is worth (probably nothing) but I don't dislike them, same with Summoning though that's probably just because of the drum machine as the rest of their sound is totally up my alley.
Well you have famously shit taste in black metal, so no surprise.

You like Windir? I thought the average metal elitist hated them. Hella lame, who actually likes Viking metal that isn't Bathory?

EDIT: Oh, it's because the guy died in a blizzard, right? Instant musical cred right there. I guess they're like the hipster's Wintersun or something. Cheesy and flowery as fuck, but still cooler than their peers.
How does getting lost in a blizzard and dying of hypothermia give you heavy metal cred? Its not like he offed himself with a shotgun or something