Controversial opinions on metal

Forefather is really fun. I just got into them this year and have only listened to their last two albums; I guess they have seven. Is their earlier stuff good?

I really liked Steadfast when it came out. By comparison the last two have been disappointing. The further back you go the more black metal they sound. I like the first one, Deep into Time, quite a bit.

But yeah, Steadfast is the best. I doubt they'll do anything that tops it.
That demo song above sounds decent. Reminded me that one of their other demos has the novelty of a midi bass guitar track, hilarious stuff.
That was supposed to indicate how much I care for Folk melodic BM. I've probably listened to less than 10 kpop songs in my life but I feel like at least it's the kind of faggotry music that doesn't confuse my moods, as opposed to what a band like Winder does to me.