Controversial opinions on metal

I've tried several times but I simply can't find anything to like about Black Sabbath. I know they were the first Metal band and all that, so props to them for that achievement, but when I listen to their music without any context-based factors included, it just sounds like utter shit.

Black Sabbath are one of the few bands where most of their discography is beyond criticism. Sorry but it is true.
I dont like judas priest but i wouldnt say dumb shit like "its some of the shittiest metal ever made".

Terms like that are for shit like Lacuna Coil, Meshuggah, and Ghost

OK, true, Black Sabbath are not "the shittiest Metal ever," but their music (without historical context) still sucks a huge chunk of ass. Also, Ghost are NOT Metal.
Basing your opinion on the band on one song? Especially when the band evolved constantly over their nineteen album career?

Nah, that's dumb. Now if you wanted to listen to the best song from each album, then I might be inclined to play along. But it's really not a big deal to me; if you want to have shitty opinions on good bands, that's your right, but just know that people will call you out on it.
Basing your opinion on the band on one song? Especially when the band evolved constantly over their nineteen album career?

Nah, that's dumb. Now if you wanted to listen to the best song from each album, then I might be inclined to play along. But it's really not a big deal to me; if you want to have shitty opinions on good bands, that's your right, but just know that people will call you out on it.

The best song (in your opinion) off the best album (in your opinion, lad). And interestingly, it's your opinion that I have shitty opinions, which in and of itself may very well be a shitty opinion :lol:
black sabbath sucks, I'm not kidding, all of their albums are bland as fuck

Get some taste.

The best song (in your opinion) off the best album (in your opinion, lad). And interestingly, it's your opinion that I have shitty opinions, which in and of itself may very well be a shitty opinion :lol:

I refuse to narrow the band down to one song when they evolved so much over forty-five years.

And no, my opinions are sacrosanct.
So consensus here is to hate on Ghost? Their new album is actually pretty good, back to heavy metal... Maybe a little organy but not bad at all.