Controversial opinions on metal

I'd take underwhelming > overwhelmingly shit (Load).

It's not my favourite hip hop album, but sure it's a classic.

When I said Underwhelming I was putting it nicely. Again though there's not a lot of rap that I enjoy. Most of it is either shit or bores me. This might be considered really lame to say (And fittingly enough for this thread controversial) but the best rap imo by far is The Beastie Boys particularly Pauls Boutique and Check your head. No it has nothing to do with them being white but more to do with the Sabbath worship and other experimental elements.
Not really metal but here's a controversial opinion. In the court of King Crimson is an overrated album. Certainly it was very ambitious for the time and has its mind blowing moments but as whole listening experience it's spottyespecially with the Moon child improvisation which was downright pathetic.
Not really metal but here's a controversial opinion. In the court of King Crimson is an overrated album. Certainly it was very ambitious for the time and has its mind blowing moments but as whole listening experience it's spottyespecially with the Moon child improvisation which was downright pathetic.

Pretty much the only straight up prog album I like, so I can't agree with you on that one. Blows everything else out of the water - including King Crimson's other albums.
Pretty much the only straight up prog album I like, so I can't agree with you on that one. Blows everything else out of the water - including King Crimson's other albums.

Not sure why you would like it and no others. I don't care much for the other King Crimson stuff I've heard either tbh though the only other album I thoroughly listened to was Red.
Sorry, meant to say that King Crimson is the only straight up prog band I like. I like some of the other albums (Larks Tongues in Aspic, In the Wake of Poseidon), I just don't think they quite compete with the first.
I don't have much of a problem with someone calling In the Court of the Crimson King the best prog rock album. It's up there with Camel - Mirage for me. Yes - Close to the Edge is up there too. Annnnd Wish You Were Here and a Rush album would be on my list.

As far as King Crimson goes I own and enjoy In the Wake of Poseidon and Starless and Bible Black on occasion.
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Not really metal but here's a controversial opinion. In the court of King Crimson is an overrated album. Certainly it was very ambitious for the time and has its mind blowing moments but as whole listening experience it's spottyespecially with the Moon child improvisation which was downright pathetic.

i feel the same way but it's still very good (especially 'epitaph'). RED, on the other hand, is fucking undeniable.
Sorry, meant to say that King Crimson is the only straight up prog band I like. I like some of the other albums (Larks Tongues in Aspic, In the Wake of Poseidon), I just don't think they quite compete with the first.

To be fair I prefer the not so traditional side of prog like Krautrock and Avant prog. As for straight up prog rock bands I do prefer Yes, Rush, Gentle Giant, and Van Der graaf generator to King Crimson.
i feel the same way but it's still very good (especially 'epitaph'). RED, on the other hand, is fucking undeniable.

Red I probably liked better but I didn't feel it was the greatest thing ever either.

What's the general opinion here on Porcupine Tree? They're a weird band for me - I really like half their songs and really loathe the other half, often on the same album.
It's been a while but I recall when I listened to them thinking this just isn't my thing at all so I haven't bothered with them much at all tbh.
Porcupine Tree comes off as annoying privileged kid stuff to me. I also don't like Tool at all and when they try and sound like them it makes them even worse. Sky Moves Sideways is okay but it's basically just because they were trying to copy Pink Floyd.
Porcupine Tree comes off as annoying privileged kid stuff to me. I also don't like Tool at all and when they try and sound like them it makes them even worse. Sky Moves Sideways is okay but it's basically just because they were trying to copy Pink Floyd.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. British bands seem only to be good if they come from miserable industrial areas and have unintelligible accents. Or if they're Akercocke.

Edit: Or were around in the 70's.
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I like Pink Floyd. They're very nostalgic for me. But I feel weird putting them in the same category. Not saying this is true but they feel more like their own thing to me.

I remember there being this cool video of Pink Floyd playing Echoes live in Pompeii, which was pretty awesome and the only thing I ever liked them for. Looked it up just now and it turns out the band blocked it on youtube for copyright reasons. Now I just straight up hate them.
I went a really long time assuming Starless & Bible Black was some kind of live bootleg or something. Like, for years it didn't even exist in my mind, I was aware of all their other albums even if I hadn't heard them, but that album just seemed to pop into existence from nothing. Still need to listen to it.

Red or Discipline would probably be my two favorites, but I like most of their stuff a lot. I don't get the weird backlash I see against Islands over it having a couple of songs about women or whatever, musically that's one of my preferred albums as well.

One potentially actually controversial opinion: I can barely distinguish any of the singers on their pre-Belew material and couldn't care less. Before I even read into the various line-ups I assumed it was the same dude on all of those albums tbh, so I think it's really funny when people say Lizard is ruined because the vocalist apparently has too much influence from his earlier folk rock days or whateverthefuck people complain about.