Controversial opinions on metal

it's my favourite beatles song too. the version on LOVE is well worth seeking out if you haven't heard it.

I'll look it up didn't know there was another version of it.

While on the subject of the Beatles I'll say what tends to be a controversial opinion. I don't think Sgt Peppers is at all an overrated album and while it's certainly not my favorite album ever I'm fine with it being considered the greatest album ever. Revolver on the other hand I do find overrated and while it's a great album overall I do find it to be be one of the less enjoyable Beatles albums. Also I do not agree with the notion that The White album should've been slimmed down I think it's a great listen from Beggining to end.

Also The Yellow Submarine, Bungalow Bill, Octopuses Garden, and Maxwells Silver Hammer are all great songs.
I'll take Let It Be and self titled for my own favourites by them.

By Self titled do you mean White album? I can't really pick a favorite between Sgt Pepper, Magical Muster Tour, White album, and Abbey Road but I'd probably say Magical Mystery Tour is the one I enjoy most consistently.
i strongly dislike SGT. PEPPER'S but it's hardly gonna be the most overrated album of all time in a universe where DARK SIDE OF THE MOON exists now is it

WITH THE BEATLES will always be my favourite despite the saggy centre and relative lack of ambition. much more likeable band before they got too big for their boots. there are exceptions i really like on nearly every album though. RUBBER SOUL or MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR would be my favs of their more acclaimed period, and maybe the white album which i haven't heard in ages.
The White Album is my fave, closely followed by Revolver. Sgt. Peppers is definitely overrated. A Day in the Life is amazing though.
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The Beatles are a band that I find to be severely overrated, but when they get it right, they do it in a big way. They're just very inconsistent.
Also the producer George Martin was just as vital to any successes or ideas they had as any member of the band.

That's why he's called the 5th Beatle.
The Beatles are a band that I find to be severely overrated, but when they get it right, they do it in a big way. They're just very inconsistent.

I could hardly think them inconsistent but I can see why certain songs wouldn't appeal to everyone.
While Dark Side of the Moon isn't one of my favorite albums anymore I have to say it is the kind of album that just feels iconic in every sense from the album art to the music.

Most overrated band ever is Radiohead.
I agree the Rolling Stones are super-overrated. I would imagine the Beatles were very big in their day, their era was 3 or 4 decades ago! For a band to be still spoken about, and on a Metal forum, shows their power.They were excellent songwriters whom learned their craft the hard way, and writing the songs was no accident, they knew what was efficacious. A different type of music to today and people today could`nt write songs in that style as good as the Beatles anymore.

Aye, Radiohead are shyte.
Sorry to change topic but..

Maybe this isn't controversial but Apollo Papathanasio fucking sucks. I'm not familiar with his past projects.. but Spiritual Beggars have been one of my favorite bands for years and this guy hasn't impressed me at all since he joined. And it sucks because the last two SB albums have been amazing musically but his singing just makes me cringe. He has no range, always seems to be singing at the same strained pitch. Basically doing a piss poor Ian Gillan impersonation and failing miserably. Amott needs to get a real singer again.
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Never liked the Beatles. At all.

Pink Floyd on the other hand; Wish You Were Here, Animals, or Dark Side, just to name a few... absolutely mint.