Life Sucks
and then you die
It depends on the band to some extent. Anthrax, Megadeth, Nuclear Assault, Violence, etc. have a lot of dumb lyrics, from what I've heard.
My favorite lyrics in metal are usually those that emit massive amounts of pure badassery, with Sarcofago's INRI being pretty much the perfect example of what I like to see in metal when it comes to the lyrical department. I usually judge the quality of metal lyrics based on how fun it is to recite them at high volume while making odd faces.
Fuckin' A. Another prime example is Rigor Mortis. Quite simply, Thrash shouldn't have "meaningful" lyrics - the lyrics need to match the music and therefore should revolve around death, killing poseurs, thrashing fucking terror and Satan.
Fuckin' A. Another prime example is Rigor Mortis. Quite simply, Thrash shouldn't have "meaningful" lyrics - the lyrics need to match the music and therefore should revolve around death, killing poseurs, thrashing fucking terror and Satan.
Exactly, that doesnt stop me from loving music with gore lyrics, but they arent good lyrics.
You'd be surprised. I've met plenty of people around my age who still worship them.
Um, is Parkway Drive even considered metal? I am being serious, and please post of their lyrics so I can see them.
I always though the newer Deathspell Omega lyrics were good, but I don't find many "good" lyrics in metal. Many disjointed and boring.
bad lyrics
While sons and daughters of the empire
Stained the map red, white and blue
Back at home the storm clouds thundered
Dole queues lengthened - unrest grew
'til the tides of fresh opinion
Washed away the world they knew.
Exchange inhuman wrongs for human rights
This underdog not only barks - it bites!
Take your partners for our civil war dance
Open season on the under worked and overpaid.
Erase the Constitution - a bloody revolution
Is the simplest solution to the problems that they have made.
Children of the urban third world
Breast fed lies and cathode rays
Speak their minds down party chat lines
(they don't have that much to say)
Told nothing of the world we live in
Or that it will be theirs someday.
This system cultivates our lust and greed
With anti-social insecurity.
Take your partners for our civil war dance
Open season on the under worked and overpaid.
Erase the Constitution - a bloody revolution
Is the simplest solution to the problems that they have made.
The preacher tells us all that heaven waits
So pay your "soul tax" when you reach the gates.
Take your partners for our civil war dance
Open season on the under worked and overpaid.
Erase the Constitution - a bloody revolution
Is the simplest solution to the problems that they have made.
Livestock bred to feed the cannon
Hands grown hard with honest toil
Fuel the fires of mass rebellion
Hatred's cauldron starts to boil
They fight for something they believe in
Not another nation's oil.
Britannia cowers in her public school
Once too often now she's waived the rules.
Take your partners for our civil war dance
Open season on the under worked and overpaid.
Erase the Constitution - a bloody revolution
Is the simplest solution to the problems that they have made.
Pick up the fragments and piece them together
Tell me do you like what you've found?
Are your thoughts like the earth spinning round?
Existence is pure pantomime
Why is life such a puzzle sometimes?
Trapped in a world I no longer feel part of
Each day is a thorn in my side
Though I've carried my cross - worn my heart on my sleeve
Still deep inside something has died.
If men have a sell-by-date I've just reached mine
Now we've come to the end of the line.
Why is life such a puzzle sometimes?
Well I just can't believe that it's happened again
Always knew that it would - just a matter of when
A lie was the last straw on this camels back
And just like Lot's wife I could never look back.
So maybe the reason I act so estranged
Is you still dream of him, it's you that has changed.
No method to madness - no reason to rhyme
Now we've come to the end of the line.
Why is life such a puzzle sometimes?
Well I just can't believe that it's happened again
Always knew that it would - just a matter of when
A lie was the last straw on this camels back
And just like Lot's wife I could never look back.
So maybe the reason I act so estranged
Is you still dream of him, it's you that has changed.
If men have a sell-by-date I've just reached mine
Now we've come to the end of the line.
Why is life such a puzzle sometimes?
Hear my tale - I'm norman normal, always humble, mild and meek.
In my bank a lowly banker - run-down brach on nowhere street
'till one day a stranger called - a fetid bible black he laughed,
said "Sonny I don't want your money, I don't need an overdraft.
Boy you have a great potential, don't you let it go to waste.
My offer ends - so it's essential that you hurry on (make haste!).
For a life of milk and honey sign along the dotted line...
Thirty years of girls and money - at the end your soul is mine!"
No one can dissuade me - I'm donw on my knees,
my conscience says "No" - my libido "Yes please!"
If I put my pen to paper for eternity I'm damned.
If I don't I'll never be the singer in a fiddel band.
Can anyone blame me? - I don't think they'd dare,
my soul says "No way" - But my mouth cries "Oh yeah!"
Here I am - your good friend norman, not so humble anymore.
Others age - but I look younger, stronger that I did before.
I used to drive a Fiat Panda - now a lime green Cadillac.
Guess my story goes to show not all the 'devils' own' dig black.
I know there is a price I must pay for my thirty years misspent,
when my satanic manager recoups my soul (100%).
I'll meet him at the crossroads, midnight chimes - my time has come
to party with the 'porno-queens' down by the shores of acheron.
I'll party on in acheron!
No one could dissuade me - I fell to my kness,
my conscience said "No" - my libido "Yes please!"
I have put my pen to paper and eternally am damned,
I've squandered my immortal soul by singing in a fiddle band.
Could anyone blame me? - I don't think they dare,
my soul said "No way" - but my mouth cried "Oh yeah!"
'Evil I did dwell - Lewd did I live' -
It's a small price to pay for the gift that he gives.
Was it all worth it? - I'm too drunk to tell,
I swap my cocaine for the brimstone of hell.
The end.
How can this be?
Why is he the chosen one?
Saint gone astray
With a scepter and a gun
Learn to believe
In the mighty and the strong
Come bleed the beast
Follow me it won't be long
Listen when the prophet
Speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Twisting faith into violence
In the name of God
Straight is the path
Leading to your salvation
Slaying the weak
Ethnic elimination
Any day we'll all be
Swept away
You'll be saved
As long as you obey
Tools of the devil inside
Written in Holy disguise
Meant to deceive and divide
Us all
Listen when the prophet
Speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Twisting faith into violence
In the name of God
Blurring the lines
Between virtue and sin
They can't tell
Where God ends
And mankind begins
They know no other
Life but this
From the cradle
They are claimed
Listen when the prophet
Speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Twisting faith into violence
In the name of God
Hundreds of believers
Lured into a doomsday cult
All would perish
In the name of God
Self-proclaimed messiah
Led his servants
To their death
Eighty murdered
In the name of God
Forty sons and daughters
Un-consenting plural wives
In the name of God
Underground religion
Turning toward
The mainstream light
Blind devotion
In the name of God
Justifying violence
Citing from the Holy Book
Teaching hatred
In the name of God
Listen when the prophet
Speaks to you
Killing in the name of God
Twisting faith into violence
In the name of God
Religious beliefs
Fanatic obsession
Does following faith
Lead us to violence?
Unyielding crusade
Divine revelation
Does following faith
Lead us to violence?
well I'm here
and summer is gone I hear
so pray for me
as I now leave your town
when did I say this
I will never leave
I can't recall this
moment in my life
you would never sleep at night
if you knew what I've been through
and this thought is all I have
to trust upon when light is gone
my problem was
that you kept me here too long
and today is when
we'll regret that I came by
when did I say this
I will never leave
I can't recall this
moment in my life
life is full of darkness
and murderers come my way
someday you will join them
and I will let you in
Why have you put so many things into my eyes
(that I can't see clear)
Who's paid you for telling me what I'm worth
(and run in fear)
It has been for me a strain to see already
(what have you done)
The rising noise
The sharpened smells
The deadened sight
What is it in my eyes
A piece of broken glass
Is this the time I should be on my knees for you
Is this your way of telling
Another has been found
Now I know it's teargas in my eyes
What is it in my eyes
A piece of broken glass
Is this the time I should be on my knees for you
Is this your way of telling
Another has been found
Now I know it's teargas in my eyes
What is it in my eyes
A piece of broken glass
Is this the time I should be on my knees for you
Is this your way of telling
Another has been found
Now I know it's teargas in my eyes...
Come by you have come far
All I had I lost in the flood
Come sit with me at the bar
Tell me of progress strengthen my blood
No one here knows my name
I have traded my memories for things
But I remember you clearly
Do you remember that I used to sing
Why have you waited so long
Come by you have come far
Long since I saw you so how have you been
Come sit with me at the bar
How long since they told you that they had found him
No one here knows my name
I gave up my worries for one good thing
But I remember you clearly
Do you remember that I used to sing
Was it because I never told you
I was going away
That you waited so long
Was it because your fucking dreams
Meant nothing to me
That you waited so long
It runs from the top of my fingers
Into my hands
What is it I have been drinking
I do not understand
I thought I'd lost you my brother
I'm so glad you came
My regards to the ones that I love I miss them
Tell them I love them I miss them