Controversial opinions on metal

Regardless of what you say, it's just not very controversial to say that you don't like Cannibal Corpse. A lot of fucking people don't like them. And that was the entire point.

i'm not saying some metal fans don't like CC... my point was simply that Zeph was saying that "longtime" i.e. real, actual metalheads who know what real and good DM is don't like CC... i disagree...
Well his statement was too vague. There are "long time metalheads" who love Vinnie Vincent Invasion. So what he should have said was "long time metalheads who know what they're talking about."
Well his statement was too vague. There are "long time metalheads" who love Vinnie Vincent Invasion. So what he should have said was "long time metalheads who know what they're talking about."

which is exactly what i was responding too... i.e. if you are a long time metalhead who knows what he's talking about then you don't like CC... that's just bullocks...
I generally prefer extreme doom/doomdeath to traditional doom

Quite controversial, but I'm not gonna say extreme doom is better, because I'm not nearly as stupid as everyone here thinks I am. It's just a matter of opinion/personal preference.
you know what's weird. ever since i started buying cd's I hate downloaders. i hated that guy who said he has 150gigs of music downloaded. what have you ppl done to me :(

Better things to spend money on than CDs.
Ugh, my pals are so yesterday, man. Let's kill them kikes, for they be stealing our jobs and loaning under high interest and eating our offsprings and shit. Fo' drizzle, bro.
Sorry but I agree with what Zeph posted about Cannibal Corpse. I'm hardly some sort of metal elitist and CC were great when I was 16 and first started getting into the more extreme metal. I appreciate what they've done for death metal as a whole but other than that, they just aren't my thing.
I think that most people who are really into death metal will still respect and like Cannibal Corpse but will have moved past them.