Controversial opinions on metal

The presence or absence of bass doesn't affect the songwriting in any way. It's their tightest and most lucidly flowing album.

It does because one part of the songwriting is totally lost. The bass frequencies arent filled and the songs feel more "empty" - like something is lacking.

This is also why sometimes good songs can be buried in bad production. I like the songs on Darkthrones "panzerfaust" for example but I rarely listen to the album because of the loud vocals that oftentimes ruin things. For me the lack of bass on AJFA has the same effect, its annoying to listen to that kind of production they have. A shame because as you said its probably their best album if we just consider the songs by themselves.
Noisy black metal is generally not melodic, though arguing about melody requires a definition of melody in this frame of reference AND how much melody constitutes something in BM as worthy of being called "melodic." As always, it's totally fucking relative and it'll be hard to discuss until someone lays down grounds for said discussion, otherwise there will be a lot of misunderstanding, arguing over misrepresented posts, people being cast aside because their definition of melody isn't the same as someone with more weight in this particular discussion for whatever reason, etc.

That being said a ridiculously over-fucking-whelming majority of all black metal utilizes some kind of melody, whether it is traditional, harmonized, classical, romantic, baroque, whatever.
Yeah, I assumed (I guess), but I figured you with your perceivedly pretty extensive knowledge of (non-metal) music would be a bit more specific at first. Regardless, have you heard old ...and Oceans?
Everybody should know what is meant by "Melodic Black Metal" by now. I don't know why Zephyrus felt the urge to point out the obvious that pretty much all music ever is melodic by nature.
Intelligence flaunting per usual most likely (:p), but I do not blame him in this case due to the non-specific way Einherjer posed the question.
I responded in that way because Einherjar thought I was an expert on Melodic Black Metal specifically, which is not the case. I'm more of a specialist in Industrial and Symphonic Black Metal, but on the whole, I wouldn't call myself the leading authority on Black Metal.
This is a popular opinion among most people who are truly into Death Metal.

:lol: Please dude. That's bullocks. Cannibal Corpse are one of the all-time classic Death metal bands. They have just as much tr00 status as any other death metal band.
:lol: Please dude. That's bullocks. Cannibal Corpse are one of the all-time classic Death metal bands. They have just as much tr00 status as any other death metal band.

From my experience, most longtime DM fans think they're crap, and that they are more of a gateway band than a bastion of classics. Yes, they are pure death metal, but that's irrelevant.
I think anyone who is a fan of the euro-style power metal should really give the new DF cd a whirl. It's leaked on Demonoid atleast, and this is really refreshing DF cd. Id say right now its just under VotD, but it's much more diverse. Different speed transitions and this solo on the 3rd track is way to slow for even a DF member haha.
Good to hear. I've been looking forward to this, tbh. DF is like comfort food to me.

:lol: Please dude. That's bullocks. Cannibal Corpse are one of the all-time classic Death metal bands. They have just as much tr00 status as any other death metal band.
From my experience, most longtime DM fans think they're crap, and that they are more of a gateway band than a bastion of classics. Yes, they are pure death metal, but that's irrelevant.

in my experience most 'longtime' dm fans you meet are elitists on the internet who are trying to boost their internet cred...
almost every metalhead i've met in person likes at least some of their music... my friend Brian for example loves death metal, way more than me actually... he's been into it since Death released Leprosy... his fav death metal band? cannibal corpse. and yeah he loves kvlt tr00 shit like Arghoslent and more underground stuff as well... honestly even if they aren't one of your favorite bands i don't see how any dm fan could call them shit... that band just oozes killer riffs
Regardless of what you say, it's just not very controversial to say that you don't like Cannibal Corpse. A lot of fucking people don't like them. And that was the entire point.