Controversial opinions on metal

It's more ambitious than some of their earlier work but it doesn't always succeed in its ambitions, so it's inconsistent. It has some very high points.

Sabotage has the same issues although I might prefer it.
yeah it's a slightly more experimental BS. l can see how some would not take to it. l tend to gravitate towards those songs more than other albums for some reason. Maybe because it's the first Sabbath album l heard.
'spiral architect' is my fav from SBS, but that album's my least favourite of the first five as well, and SABOTAGE is another big drop off for me. their production and musicianship remains god tier up to that point but they'd started to become such a tonal grab bag, you can tell there's scant unity between the guys' ambitions anymore and they don't know how to pull that together into a coherent album. they were really lacking economy by that point too, you could chop a couple of minutes off many of the songs and improve them. i'd also argue that the r'n'r/pop-rock/prog tropes littering SABOTAGE were far more commonplace in the mid-'70s than the sound sabbath were doing before, and that a style (or collection of styles) that's considered a mark of maturity and newfound adventure is actually a regression.
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I agree with you that they were kind of going in every direction by then. I do think that Ozzy pulled off some of his best performances during those two albums though. "Megalomania" has probably his most impressive singing out of any track.
I have given Heartwork so many listens over the years and i don't know why. It's so much shallower compared to their earlier work, and Necroticism is everything Heartwork is and about a billion times better. I honestly find Heartwork to be a watered down Necroticism, and really dont see myself spinning it much if ever again in the nextfew years.

I have also tried time and again to get into The Chasm, and i definitely recognize their originality, but have never felt the needat any time to stop and throw on Deathcult or anything.
I really dont like modern Carcass too much, although i obviously respect what they accomplished
and i really really dont like whatever the fuck they were doing in 96

ive never heard anyone say heartwork is a water down version of necroticism but i agree with that sentiment 100 percent
I've only listened to Heartwork twice and as far as melodic death (or black) metal goes, it's just not as good as some other big releases in that same subgenre. Between Dark Tranquility, Edge of Sanity, Dissection, In Flames, etc., they all had better releases at the time than what Heartwork was. Necroticism is pretty good though.
Spiral Architect is probably my favorite from SBS too.

Heartwork is garbage and I don't even understand what was supposedly innovative about it. Half the album isn't even death metal, and that kind of melo-whatever riffing is basically just a continuation on what thrash bands like Testament, Kreator, and Believer were doing a couple years earlier. Arbeit Macht Frei and Embodiment are the only ones that sound remotely different from their peers.
i guess an even more controversial thing for me to say is is that i think surgical steel is better than heartwork
I have also tried time and again to get into The Chasm, and i definitely recognize their originality, but have never felt the needat any time to stop and throw on Deathcult or anything.

I'm disappointed. The Chasm is pretty much the best death metal band ever and Deathcult is their peak.

Have you tried any of their other albums?
I heard one of their others, can't rememver which, but I know it wasn't their last release.

Oh I'll definitely try some others of theirs in time. i usually give albums that are widely acclaimed at least 10 listens before I write em off if i ain't feeling them.

I have also tried listening to that Cenotaph debut a bunch of times, and i just can't make it past the production job. And I'm a sucker for old school muddy sound, but the edition i heard made it diwnright impossible to hear anything the guitars were doing.
Maybe you heard a shitty rip of The Gloomy Reflections because that album is massive.

My copy of Rise of Excruciation sounds like ass but it's still nasty stuff.
lol and lol

Sorry, I forgot they never hit the lofty heights of Jungle Rot and Heartwork.

Yerfdaug, I'd recommend trying Farseeing the Paranornal Abysm. I've known a few people get into the band with that album, and it's a great release anyway. Procession to the Infraworld is their other masterpiece (imo) so check that one out as well if you haven't.
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