Controversial opinions on metal

I mean I agree, social science is soft and a shitty degree to get. But I would never call all of UCLA a shitty school, they're one of the best research universities on the west coast. For California I'd go something like:


For top 5. But really that's also like top 5 west of the Mississippi.
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edit: also, we seem to be on different pages, as you clearly don't get what i'm saying.
well shit, this totally passed me by, thanks! anything else you liked? i've heard various solid stuff like spiritus mortis, lord vicar, stone magnum, mountain witch, spirit adrift - can't say any of it wowed me though.

You didn't like The Year Is One? I thought it was brilliant. I totally forgot about Lord Vicar though, I think I'll have to edit my Best of 2016 list.

Well, some other doom metal releases that came out that I really liked were Solstice's To Sol A Thane demo, Cardinals Folly's Holocaust Of Ecstasy & Freedom album, Blizaro's Cornucopia Della Morte album, Pallbearer's Fear & Fury EP, Cross Vault's Miles To Take EP, Garden Of Worm's Double Dose Of Doom Vol 2 was a cool little 7 inch record as well.

Also, this just came out.

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