Controversial opinions on metal

The best way to pronounce "caulk" is to try and force the L into there, extending your jaw and pushing your tongue downwards and into your throat, almost as if gagging on something long and hard, to prevent any potential homoeroticism or confusion with the word "cock".

People in Australia don't pronounce 'cock' as 'cork' to begin with so it's not really an issue. I pronounce 'cock' like 'thot' or whatever.

Like 'rock', the way its supposed to be pronounced.

So you pronounce 'caulk' like 'cock'? That's retarded. Also I'd never take pronounciation advice from an American, especially some average non-academic American. It's one of my few prejudices, but you fuckers seem to talk like spastics.
I pronounce it 'cork' myself, how do you say it?

For me, it would be like:

People in Australia don't pronounce 'cock' as 'cork' to begin with so it's not really an issue. I pronounce 'cock' like 'thot' or whatever.

The only people who pronounce 'cock', 'caulk', and 'cork' all the same way are people from northeastern New England, such as in Boston, because they both merge the vowels of 'cock' and 'caulk' and, as non-rhotic, or r-less, speakers, pronounce 'cork' the same as 'caulk.' And nobody pronounces 'cock' the same as 'cork' while keeping 'caulk' distinct. However, r-dropping is on the decline in America even in the places where it's traditionally found.

So you pronounce 'caulk' like 'cock'? That's retarded. Also I'd never take pronounciation advice from an American, especially some average non-academic American. It's one of my few prejudices, but you fuckers seem to talk like spastics.

It's a product of the cot-caught merger, which a lot of Americans have, but I distinctly do not.
People in Australia don't pronounce 'cock' as 'cork' to begin with so it's not really an issue. I pronounce 'cock' like 'thot' or whatever.

So you pronounce 'caulk' like 'cock'? That's retarded. Also I'd never take pronounciation advice from an American, especially some average non-academic American. It's one of my few prejudices, but you fuckers seem to talk like spastics.

Lol, at getting called an "average non academic American" by some backwoods australian hillbilly who cant even pronounce the word that's in question.

Ummm, COCK ---> ROCK. Why are you always having trouble with shit like this? I cant imagine what would happen if you actually tried communicating with people who aren't "non-academics". Oh and you can at least spell pronunciation right .. or is that how you "highly academic" aussies pronounce it?
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Oh and you can at least spell pronunciation right

Good catch, dunno what the fuck I was thinking.

Lol, at getting called an "average non academic American" by some backwoods australian hillbilly who cant even pronounce the word that's in question.

I work in a city and live in the suburbs, but nice try.

You should just record a short audio clip of how you personally say 'caulk' because this is becoming a clusterfuck.

But after 11+ years of working as a private contractor and using caulk guns damn near everyday, this is the first time I've heard about anybody pronouncing it like 'cock' so...
bro, i was saying COCK IS PRONOUNCED LIKE ROCK. Why are you having such a hard time with that you little mozzie?

and that clip is a perfect example of how cock is pronounced ... not "kawk", that's why i also included a clip of the hawk pronunciation.
Not a controversial opinion but a question that might cause some controversy:

Did Manowar invent the whole manly/epic backing vocals/choirs/"ahhhh ahhh aaaaahhhhh ahhhhh" thing that Bathory incorporated in their viking era?
Are you referring to the full stop? He almost always uses every form of punctuation except capital letters. I've no idea what he has against them, but this is a good opportunity to ask.
I have no idea what this cock argument is about but Manowar obviously influenced Bathory a great deal, if they invented the style or not I don't really know tho.
Why in the world is Rush listed on Metal Archives?

There's consensus out there that their debut was considered 'heavy metal' at the time it was released which was 1974. That obviously isn't the case now when you look at the history of metal retrospectively, but King's-X is also on M-A when I don't really consider any of their stuff metal either. Dogman toes the line but whatever.

I would argue that the closest that any of their releases come to being metal would be parts of Vapor Trails.
Man, i need to check more of their stuff out ... especially those earlier albums.

I thought you were saying you pronounce 'caulk' like 'cock.' I have no fucking idea what's happening right now I suppose.
Yeah, i know we weren't on the same page initially but i thought you would have noticed that after my first response.

Also, can you please explain what you meant by "non-academic American"? Just curious.