Controversial opinions on metal

He made it his own only because he suckered a lot of fools that don't even listen to most 80s metal.

Yes, cause Bathory fans would have never listened to Venom, Hellhammer, Sodom, etc.

Yeah, Quorthon was totally just channeling his inner pagan identity through his dad's basement. So genuine <3

Never said he was genuine, just that he wasn't a Manowar clone. I'm a huge Bathory fan but Quorthon himself comes across as kind of a douche.

"I have uninformed opinions, that makes me smrt :^)"
Lol ok bud, because I didn't know an obscure quote I have an uninformed musical opinion. I seriously hope you take time off from Googling the blood types of musicians you hate to take showers.
Yes, cause Bathory fans would have never listened to Venom, Hellhammer, Sodom, etc.

Never said he was genuine, just that he wasn't a Manowar clone. I'm a huge Bathory fan but Quorthon himself comes across as kind of a douche.

Lol ok bud, because I didn't know an obscure quote I have an uninformed musical opinion. I seriously hope you take time off from Googling the blood types of musicians you hate to take showers.

A lot of them don't. They think Quorthon didn't listen to them, Varg says Venom wasn't true black metal, so why should they? Bathory fans are the worst kind of cancer.
The fuck is NWN anyway? Niggas Wit' Narcolepsy?

Nuclear War Now! A black metal record label that specialize in war metal (granted not so much any more) and south american style black metal. They have a pretty rabid following and a very active forum. They also tend to accept only the most cult stuff and have ties to the whole NSBM scene.
Nuclear War Now! A black metal record label that specialize in war metal (granted not so much any more) and south american style black metal. They have a pretty rabid following and a very active forum. They also tend to accept only the most cult stuff and have ties to the whole NSBM scene.
So, as far as HBB is concerned, Bathory fans = Trve Kvlt twats?
I'm assuming that's faint praise? Cause that album is, like, kinda decent I guess? I'd like to hear it remastered though, caused that dry, hollow production just kills it.

The production sounds aight to me. It's a decent, solid thrash album. Does what it's supposed to do. A mild 6/10 or strong 5/10, perhaps.