Controversial opinions on metal

What are you guys opinion on Soundgarden? I like them just as much as AIC but that may be just as much nostalgia talking. I guess the metal crowd is more accepting of AIC uusually.
Favorite AiC song? A bit tough, but I love "Rain When I Die".
I'm with you there.

What are you guys opinion on Soundgarden? I like them just as much as AIC but that may be just as much nostalgia talking. I guess the metal crowd is more accepting of AIC uusually.
Badmotorfinger and Superunknown are fantastic albums. Earlier stuff is a bit amateur and Down on the Upside is just bland and uninspired.
Soundgarden had some great stuff. Lots of filler put a personal greatest hits would be a solid listen. I really only like AiCs two EPs. Nirvana is garbage. Hate Pearl Jam

Anyone remember the semigrunge band Failure? Magnified and Fantastic Planet are stellar albums.
Fantastic Planet is OK but disappointed me considering the kind of hype it gets. I've listened to a little of their earlier stuff too, remember it also being alright-ish.
I fucking love Tad.

8-Way Santa master race.
Motherfucking +1

What are you guys opinion on Soundgarden? I like them just as much as AIC but that may be just as much nostalgia talking. I guess the metal crowd is more accepting of AIC uusually.

I'm back and forth on Soundgarden. I used to dig their singles as a kid, then fell off most grunge when I discovered thrash in high school, came back to them about seven or eight years ago, then got bored with their more classic rock songs while still loving their more Melvins songs. They definitely have a massive edge over Pearl Jam though, as far as Zeppelin loving 90s Seattle bands go, simply because they never forgot that sludge is awesome.

Listening to Superunknown atm though and it's kinda kicking my ass.
The first three Blind Melon albums are great. I know some people say they're really derivative of 70s psych rock, but I haven't heard any really strong comparisons (but I don't know much about psych rock so they could be right). Their new album was dental office rock though.

Might as well bring up Smashing Pumpkins too. Siamese Dream >>> 99% of other grunge/alt rock of the time. Too bad Mellon Collie was mostly filler.

King's X too, actually, since they were a pretty obvious influence on three of the big four (everything but Nirvana).

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Might as well bring up Smashing Pumpkins too. Siamese Dream >>> 99% of other grunge/alt rock of the time. Too bad Mellon Collie was mostly filler.

I like a few of their songs, love "Zero", but other than that I kind of fucking hate Smashing Pumpkins. I hate their shitty, highschool goth-quality lyrics. I hate their cringey, melodramatic, phoney emotional bullshit, cynically designed to trick generic sad sack, 90s teenagers into thinking they're deep. And I hate their dull, milktoast, monotonous songwriting that rips off My Bloody Valentine, rips off grunge, and "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" is a shitty attempt at ripping off Nirvana.
How do they rip off MBV? MBV is some of the most bland overrated shit in existence regardless, Smashing Pumpkins were easily their superiors in songwriting.

Nirvana's career was just an attempt at ripping of the Pixies, Jesus Lizard, Melvins, etc, so who gives a shit.
How do they rip off MBV? MBV is some of the most bland overrated shit in existence regardless, Smashing Pumpkins were easily their superiors in songwriting.

It was a pretty major "influence", except they watered it down and made it tepid enough that it's easy to miss. "Cherub Rock" is one of the easiest examples. And MBV are awesome, ball licker.

Nirvana's career was just an attempt at ripping of the Pixies, Jesus Lizard, Melvins, etc, so who gives a shit.
And Pantera ripped off Exhorder, or so the plebs who can't tell the difference between influence and thievery would have you believe. Difference with Smashing Pumpkins is they were phonies whose sound was an awkward mish-mash of their influences that never meshed into a coherent sound of its own.