Controversial opinions on metal

I just think that anyone who can take Axl Rose's singing for extended periods must have something wrong with their eardrums.
Makes a lot of sense, quite literally everybody I know irl that likes Guns N' Roses more than casually, is right on that line of being into metal, but never quite makes the transition.

Pretty sure crimsonfloyd wasn't equating "good taste" with getting into metal. Besides, that implies that there are tens of millions of people "right on that line of being into metal", which is silly.

What he really meant was "Guns n Roses is a band with some longevity in the arena of critical reception despite being of a mostly forgone era, and if one continues getting their musical opinions from Christgau they might eventually become enlightened Pink Floyd fans like myself".
Not really. How is it silly? It's entirely plausible given metal's flirtation with accessible sounds and inaccessible sounds.

A line by definition has an infinitesimal width. If it was really just a line between GnR and being a full-fledged fan of metal (even if just trad or lighter thrash), then GnR fans would have much more overlap with other metal bands. In reality, people like GnR because they're a very mainstream act with some very catchy and classic singles, but the overwhelming majority couldn't give a shit about the band on a whole, let alone metal on a whole.
Maybe if you limited it to the specific year it came out. Even then...


I do like the song "Patience" though, for some reason.

Wrong album