Controversial opinions on metal

Lombardo isn't shit compared to Simon Phillips


Lombardo knows like two drumming patterns and only compensates for it with massive, wanky fills (which often tend to resemble each other regardless). Slayer's a funny case for me in that while I often have faves because less liked or vice versa for albums or songs, they're a case where the most impressive instrumentation on first impressions because the least impressive on later (limiting things to 80s Araya of course). I mean, he's certainly not bad, but most of what makes the drums cool on the 86-90 albums is Rubin's production.
Has TechBarb even heard Simon Phillips' drumming? Vinnie Colaiuta could run circles around Lombardo too in terms of drumming.

Seasons in the Abyss will always be my favorite Slayer record
Name one Lombardo-era Slayer song with drumming that's impressive/interesting for reasons other than 1) speed 2) long bombastic drum fills. I'm not saying he's remotely bad or doesn't fit the band, and there are certain aspects of his style that are distinctive to him, but the best moments of Sin After Sin blow him away.
depends what you're after...solid with tasty real speed or long fills

or solid, a bit more dramatic with tasty fills...and blast beat..and tasty fills
Alex Marquez with Malevolent Creation
etc etc
name one song? :lol: hey Buttface, what was the facepalm count at again?

One of the best metal drummers of all time >>>> simon phillips

drums from Reign in Blood > Sin After Sin

Can you find me a list of greatest drummers that has him ahead of Lombardo? Because i can find countless ones that he's not even mentioned it.
Piece By Piece isn't really convincing me. Even Araya changes the rhythm of his vocal patterns more than Lombardo does; through the various faster riffs he basically stays on a single thrash beat until the brief portion at 1:05 where he switches to the hi-hat briefly. For the second half they give him more room for fills and they aren't even particularly good ones in that song. I mean, solid, absolutely, but it's the briefness and structure of the song that keeps it engaging. Compared to basically anything with Hoglan, for example, there's no contest.
Simon Phillips isn't really a metal drummer so obviously he's not going to be on lists of greatest metal drummers. People that make those kinds of lists usually have shit taste regardless. I'm sure on those same lists you'll find Charlie Benante as well.
A website where fanboys can rate their favorite drummers highly. Apparently Nicko McBrain and Vinnie Paul are two of the all-time greatest drummers too, lol. I don't care how many lists you find. His drumming is actually poor on Show No Mercy, only competent on Hell Awaits, and just good on the following albums until his exit.