Controversial opinions on metal

No, not at all. An "In-crowder" is a certain type of person with a certain type of behavior. For example one said "this isnt bad" and the others came/will come out of the woodwork and follow suite. The circle-jerk crew.

Alternatively, if you have an opinion that a 'bad' band is 'good, you will get shit about it unless an in-crowder likes said band and then no one will give you shit about it or give you less shit than normal
I find it interesting how all of you guys actually listen enough on all those nu-metal bands to be able to discuss them. I wouldn't be able to seperate Korn from Converge from Slipknot from Pantera or whatever you guess talk about. :)
I find it interesting how all of you guys actually listen enough on all those nu-metal bands to be able to discuss them. I wouldn't be able to seperate Korn from Converge from Slipknot from Pantera or whatever you guess talk about. :)

Comparing Converge to Korn and Slipknot is ridiculous. They have their own style and I can see why some people don't like them, however, they're a really innovative and creative band.
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Back then Korn seemed to be too teenagey for me to like it, I felt awkward listening to it. Now when I think I could appreciate it nonetheless it seems outdated and silly. It's kinda like HamburgerBoy's face in terms of how it ages.
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I wouldn't be able to seperate Korn from Converge from Slipknot from Pantera or whatever you guess talk about. :)

I'm flat out calling bullshit that you dont know what Korn/Slipknot/Pantera sound like.
Well, I might have thrown in Pantera for trolling reasons but other than that, no not really. I mean I've heard them obv but I've never listened to them, you know sat down and put on one of their albums. So no I wouldn't say I could point out Korn or Slipknot if I heard one of their songs. Why is that strange?
Which of these 5 bands is bad? Also, which two Korn albums are good? :tickled: If you consider that Korn is better than those bands you mentioned, you're a fool.

Clutch is totally irredeemable, the most bland and basic radio-stoner in existence, prove me wrong. They make Korn sound like Incantation.

Paradise Lost is goth shit past their first couple (and even there it's very borderline sometimes), and you seem to prefer their later stuff anyways.

In Flames is angsty, it's over-produced, it's overly-emotive. In terms of sheer maturity, there is no difference between them and Korn. The difference is that Korn has some good rhythms and once had inventive ideas, whereas In Flames at their best represents a failed union between saccharine metal melodies and pseudo-extreme metal, and at their worst are slick radio metal. Actually, I'm not sure their early stuff is even that much better than their radio stuff, there are definite 0/10 songs in their 96-99 period. Certainly Children of Bodom had better riffs than In Flames, and I don't see a world where Bodom fans shit on Korn either.

Converge is like the ultimate non-metal-for-metal-people band. I think they're OK actually, their earlier stuff is decent and basically almost thrash metal, the stuff they're more famous for is sometimes good, but I don't really see what makes Korn that much different in terms of whatever elitist in-crowd factor is going on.

Radiohead is for normies you fucking normie.

You have quite a few Radiohead scrobbles yourself.

Yeah I've tried giving them a chance and don't actually hate them. They have some good stuff I suppose, but I don't find them worth caring about.
Like, someone tell me that the down-tuned whiny screamy chuggy mess of

Is, in terms of tr00 musical taste and maturity and all that garbage, any different from Korn. Like wow it's a little more dissonant and less syncopated and sometimes has a stilted prog feel and the vocals are more harsh, who gives a shit when the offending agents are exactly the same.