Controversial opinions on metal

I prefer Overkill's peaks to Slayer's peaks but only out of pure enjoyment and not objective musical significance. Hell Awaits and Reign in Blood are their most consistent albums and generally great, but even those only have maybe a couple 10/10 songs each, whereas the best Metallica and Megadeth albums (and Bonded By Blood) are at least 50% 10/10s. But that's probably because Slayer is more of an albums-band than a songs-band, fitting for a death metal band.
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yes, big four was basically the four most popular thrash bands in the US.

Twatcraft, Destruction should definitely be "that high" and the best Sepultura albums absolutely curb-stomp and annihilate the best Overkill albums. no fuckin comparison.

Kreator has almost always been considered the best of the "Teutonic big three" by most people. I personally dont have a favorite when it comes to them. Sodom have the most albums i like, but PtK and Eternal Devastation are better than anything Sodom have done imo.
No, they shouldn't. I love Destruction, but they don't belong above any of the 5 bands they're placed directly over. With Sepultura and Overkill, I'd gladly put Chaos A.D. or its ilk against Ironbound or Under The Influence.
No, they shouldn't. I love Destruction, but they don't belong above any of the 5 bands they're placed directly over. With Sepultura and Overkill, I'd gladly put Chaos A.D. or its ilk against Ironbound or Under The Influence.

but Chaos AD isnt even a top 3 Sepultura album. Which Overkill albums would you put up against say Schizophrenia or Beneath the Remains?

Oh and those two albums are also better than anything Destruction has also done.
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Most consistent maybe.
yeah. They consistently pumped out crap after crap from the 90's(post Horrorscope) all the way up to 2010, where they finally released a good album again.

Yeah, the sheer disparity between the overall quality of Overkill's discography and any one of the Big Four's is hilarious.

you are truly delusional.
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but Chaos AD isnt even a top 3 Sepultura album. Which Overkill albums would you put up against say Schizophrenia or Beneath the Remains?

Oh and those two albums are also better than anything Destruction has also done.
Ironbound, The Years of Decay, or Under The Influence. I love Sepultura and I'd say there about even with Destruction.
The objectively-correct power ranking:

Celtic Frost*
Dark Angel
Nuclear Assault**
Suicidal Tendencies**
Flotsam & Jetsam
Holy Moses
Death Angel
Mekong Delta
Living Death
Sacred Reich
Hallow's Eve

*If they count
**Somewhere around there, I can't be bothered to differentiate the three

Wtf is Anthrax doing over Dark Angel in a power ranking. Maybe popularity ranking

I'd reorder most of this list but don't feel like it atm
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I just would like to know what the fuck Heathen is doing third from last? Three classic records, one of those nearly 30 years after their supposed prime, and they're at the bottom of the food chain? I don't think so. I'm not sure Exodus should be above Sodom either.
Ask the sold out Rose Bowl crowd seeing Metallica with me last night. 70k fans right there.
Is Lars getting any better or is he still dropping the rhythm like Michael J. Fox on a vibrator? And does Kirk still insist on fucking up his own brilliant solos by glueing his wah-wah pedal to his foot?
The Big 4 aren't what they used to be, but when Megadeth, Anthrax, and Slayer particularly come around, they all still put on a hell of a show. Couldn't comment on Metallica because I'm still wary of them live ever since Lars seems to have forgotten he needs to do this thing musicians call drumming.
here's the thing though, i havent lost any hearing(i took a hearing test) and im 99% sure that i didnt get it from loud music/noises etc. But my ears have become muuuuch more sensitive to loud noises. so weird.
Do you strap on your earphones at the gun range? Some people's ears work that way genetically and there's just a congenital level of tinnitus.
i used the little orange earplugs, but i havent been shooting in years. I think it might have to do with an overload of stress, or maybe a pinched nerve from working out wrong or something. It might've even been some ibu-profen(ototoxic) that i took back then.

no one in my family has had tinnitus, and some of them look at me like i'm crazy when i try and explain it to them. Like they think im hearing voices or some shit lol, so i dont even bother anymore.

but yeah man i saw one of those headphones at my friends house a few months ago and was amazed. I could hear everyone around me talking but it would cancel out the loud/piercing noises.
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