Controversial opinions on metal

If it makes you feel any better, I meant the first two albums combined, as in Life is Peachy alone is merely fifty times as blisteringly harrowing and genuine a statement on the utter draining despondency of this world as Warning from a Distance.
...oh i get exactly what shes trying to say. "oh look CockburgerBoy is trolling like TB". Just dont utter my name when korn or any of your beloved nu-metal bands are mentioned is what im saying.

That's not even what he was saying you thin-skinned pussy. Go listen to more Deftones fag.
lolwut? :lol:



+ Winger, Cinderella, Trivium, etc. That's a nice looking list you have there man! :lol:
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No he was laughing at HBB's utterly retarded and autistic opinions like you usually do.

KoRn's first two albums have a hundred times the emotional depth and meaning that Warning's Watching from a Distance does.
That is the worst post I've ever read in my life.
to take a page from TB's book

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, HBB is correct. The depth of my emotional disgust when I hear Korn easily dwarfs the emotions I feel one way or another when I listen to Warning.
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All this time I thought I would be able to get away without anyone learning my darkest secret, that Disturbed is my 1192nd most favorite band. Oh well time to kill myself. Want my Boy George scrobbles before I end it?
The Dio Rainbow albums are once-a-year listens for me, the old favorites never get the same amount of time anymore but it helps savor it, much like being a closeted toughguy in San Francisco 364 days a year makes the one cheat day in the bathhouse all the more amazing.
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More korn than Cryptopsy, lol

Song counts don't mean that much. Cryptopsy has one excellent 8 song album, one kinda-good-but-overrated 10 song album, and a lot material ranging from mediocre to liquid shite (more of the latter). Korn has two strong albums, 12 and 14 each. I've scrobbed None So Vile 9 times, and the Korn albums altogether 7 times.