Controversial opinions on metal

Sometimes they're good and sometimes they're not. It depends on the band and what song it is. It's rare to encounter one that completely drags down an album.
the most relevant and immediate examples of the recent thrash scene isnt as good as what weve scene with black metal in the same time period

what a bizarre top 40. like half of those absolutely belong there, the other half do not and some are questionably even thrash

[EDIT] I think they are weighting number of votes too highly. Like after a certain sample size the law of large numbers applies and adding more votes has minimal affect on the average.

Just because Phantom Antichrist and Nightmare Logic have 1000 to 1500 votes doesn't mean they're better than Black Fast - Starving Out the Light (they're not by far) with 100 votes.

[EDIT] BTW listen to Black Fast CIG if you haven't already.
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Yeah, that's the problem with including subgenres, you get a lot of rock'n'rollish speed metal stuff.

For me, there's nothing in the black metal top 40 I even own, let alone would highly rate (though I plan to get those Inquisition, Primordial and Summoning albums eventually) whereas the thrash metal top 40 has a bunch of stuff I really really like such as Antichrist's Forbidden World and Nekromantheon's Divinity of Death.

Furthermore I can't think of any recent black metal album I've liked more than anything by Droid or Deathhammer.

BTW listen to Black Fast CIG if you haven't already.

Okay man will do. I know them btw.
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That black metal list is shit.

its got Batushka in the top10 and Spectral Lore is on there. Not too shabby, ill listen to some others on there

For modern thrash, the two best albums are Black Future and Slaves of the Burning Pentagram and it's not even close
Here you go, decide for yourselves: modern black metal vs. modern thrash metal.

Damn I had no clue Heathen released an album this decade :(

One thing I can say in favor of modern black metal is that, at the very least, it's making attempts at pushing boundaries within it's aesthetic. Most of the modern thrash records are just retreads of things from the past, but I'm just speaking from what I've heard. If anyone can point me in the direction of some truly innovative thrash records in the last five years, that would be dope.
Here you go, decide for yourselves: modern black metal vs. modern thrash metal.

Just for fun I'm going to do my top 10 thrash metal albums from the 2010's vs. my top 10 black metal albums from the 2010's, since my plans for tonight fell through.

I shall exclude all black/thrash from both lists.


1. Droid - Terrestrial Mutations
2. Bestial Invasion - Contra Omnes
3. Deathhammer - Onward to the Pits
4. Nekromantheon - Rise, Vulcan Spectre
5. Extravasion - Origins of Magma
6. Entrench - Inevitable Decay
7. Dark Design - Prey for the Future
8. Hellbringer - Awakened From The Abyss
9. Division Speed - Division Speed
10. Rupture - Rise From The Mass Graves

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1. Macabre Omen - Gods of War - At War
2. Zemial - Nykta
3. Forteresse - Récits Patriotiques
4. Fatherland - Fatherland
5. Nocternity - Harps of the Ancient Temples
6. Absu - Abzu
7. Krolok - Flying Above Ancient Ruins
8. Panphage - Drengskapr
9. Wanderer of the Waste - Voyage Through Obscurity
10. Holyarrow - Oath of Allegiance

Some HMs:

Axeman - Arrive
Black Force - Spirit of Ancient Writings
Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland (I put this in the HMs because it's not blatantly black metal, otherwise it'd actually be in 2nd place)

Maybe it was stronger for black metal these last 8 years. The thrash metal list I made has only albums I REALLY like but the black metal list was harder to whittle down for me, hence the honorable mentions.

Of course there's a shitload I haven't heard in both realms, as they're not exactly the genres I put a lot of attention towards. I need to get the second and third Vektor albums asap.

I guess my final verdict is it's just a draw. :bah:
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