And no one likes The Jester Race at least?
Moonshield - 3.5/5 (very folky)
The Jester's Dance/Artifacts of the Black Rain - 3/5, 2.5/5 (former instrumental intro which almost sounds like Annihilator, latter has its moments but is a bit too cheesy on a whole)
Wayfaerer - 2.5/5 (instrumental, a little shifty/tech-y around the beginning, pretty generic riffs, a couple mediocre keyboard solos)
Dead God in Me - 2/5
Lord Hypnos - 2/5
Graveland - 2/5 (typical Gothenburg)
Dead Eternity - 1.5/5 (intro melody is very Maiden, has some of the most death metal moments (albeit still melodic), overall feels hackneyed)
December Flower - 1.5/5 (good solo, otherwise the riffs are still non-existent and melodies predictable high-low-then-low-high shit)
The Jester Race - 1/5 (has that Sound the Alarm delay melody intro, the rest of the song is hideous melodrama)
2/5 album if I'm being generous
I recall thinking Lunar Strain was decent.
Just as bad
In Flames - 3/5 (might be a 3.5 if not for more tired melodic trem-picking in the bridge)
Upon an Oaken Throne - 3/5 (a bit of Metallica here, thrashy)
Behind Space - 3/5
Hårgalåten - 3/5 (instrumental, little folksy thing, apparently a cover)
Lunar Strain - 2.5/5
Everlost (Part I)/Part (II) - 2.5/5, 2/5 (former doom-power or something, melodic and slow) (latter acoustic thing with female vocals)
Clad in Shadows - 2/5
Dreamscape - 1.5/5 (instrumental, boring)
Starforsaken - 1/5 (chuggery mixed with with Running Wild-esque tremolo picking, that little mini solo is pathetic)