Controversial opinions on metal

while the bands that are just prog (Dream Theater spring to mind) are generally fucking tedious.

My friend and I had this argument, only it turned out awkwardly because we were arguing different things. He was arguing that "progressive" should be applied to bands in other genres and I was arguing that there was a genre called prog metal. We also argued over what "progressive" meant; he considers anything new or creative to be progressive; a band could have a song in thirty different time signatures and an eight minute guitar-and-cowbell duel and it wouldn't be progressive if it had done before. I argued that progressive is a genre name like death metal; just as not all DM is about death, not all prog metal makes progress. This went on for a while.

My general (and no doubt very controversial) opinion is that "progressive" should be used as a warning label like the PMRC stickers. "Warning: This album rated EP (Extremely Progressive) for extreme wanker and dicking around for 45 minutes."


hahaha, that is so true
Progressive Metal has bands that write great music too. Do you just want to listen to nothing but power chords, open string palm mutes, 4 note tremolo picking riffs, & 15 second out of key solos all day?? :lol: :lol: :lol: That shit would get so fucking boring, I don't know how you do it.

Props to Jason Becker & all, but speaking of "wanking" you do know you have him in your avatar, right?
You want to listen to 45 minutes of endless guitar wankery, attempts at atmosphere, and various other things?
That shit would get so fucking boring, I don't know how you do it.

Alot of progressive music isnt about wankery. Opeth is progressive as well as "Crimson" by Edge of Sanity and they do not usually include wankery at all.

I however like both the Rush (often) wankery thing as well as (later) Opeth.
I was referring to Mort's comment, not yours.

Oh I see... :lol:

Still its all subjective. I have a hard time getting into old Opeth. I like the last few albums alot more. I guess its a matter of personal taste.

Btw go check out Edge of Sanitys "crimson". Excellent stuff by a band that were very uneven in quality but the best stuff is really good.
That post? ...Bah. You just hold a grudge against me for flaming your home country and whatnot.

I don't know what you are talking about. I don't have a grudge against you, I just happened to notice that was a really great post by you. Whether or not that was one of many good posts done on your part, I don't know. :p

while the bands that are just prog (Dream Theater spring to mind) are generally fucking tedious.

My friend and I had this argument, only it turned out awkwardly because we were arguing different things. He was arguing that "progressive" should be applied to bands in other genres and I was arguing that there was a genre called prog metal. We also argued over what "progressive" meant; he considers anything new or creative to be progressive; a band could have a song in thirty different time signatures and an eight minute guitar-and-cowbell duel and it wouldn't be progressive if it had done before. I argued that progressive is a genre name like death metal; just as not all DM is about death, not all prog metal makes progress. This went on for a while.

My general (and no doubt very controversial) opinion is that "progressive" should be used as a warning label like the PMRC stickers. "Warning: This album rated EP (Extremely Progressive) for extreme wanker and dicking around for 45 minutes."

Yeah I don't know where your buddy came up with that idea of what prog is because he is completely wrong. Maybe he was thinking of avant-garde, because that's what it sounds like. I disagree with what you said as well. I'm in agreement with cherko that prog shouldn't be a classification, merely a characteristic that bands have. Truth be told, Dream Theater is a heavy metal band who incorporate a lot of progressive traits into their music. Nothing more, nothing less.

I just think it's funny when people who listen to bands with a lot of progressive influence whine and complain that it's full of wankery (which it's not) and boring blah blah blah. If you want instant gratification then go listen to Slayer.

Now if you want complex music that is like a fine wine (yes that gets better with age and repeat listens), then prog influenced bands are something to check out.
Progressive Metal has bands that write great music too. Do you just want to listen to nothing but power chords, open string palm mutes, 4 note tremolo picking riffs, & 15 second out of key solos all day?? :lol: :lol: :lol: That shit would get so fucking boring, I don't know how you do it.

Props to Jason Becker & all, but speaking of "wanking" you do know you have him in your avatar, right?
Not all extreme metal is open string palm mutes and four note tremolo riffs. There is plenty of death metal that is more complex, more technical, and far better written than fucking Dream Theater and the like. Get familiar with death metal before you make such a comment.
I've never listened to any of their albums all the way though, but I've heard plenty of their songs before. They aren't any more complex than complex bands of any other genre, and they aren't better musicians than the best musicians of any other genre.
I don't know what you are talking about. I don't have a grudge against you, I just happened to notice that was a really great post by you. Whether or not that was one of many good posts done on your part, I don't know. :p

Ah, then you meant no offence. Which is good. I just found it odd to consider such a generic but truthful statement the best one I've ever made.
Anybody who doesn't like Crimson is a fucking faggot. Mort, you're a faggot, go wear your toe socks somewhere else, you gotta get da fukk up outta hurr.