Controversial opinions on metal

You really think you're cool don't you. This is not even controversial this is just plain fucking stupid.

Musicians do annoying music reviews.
If you're not a musician, at least. Reading a review by a musician is interesting to me, but to find if I want to buy something I'll read a review by a music journalist, a bunch of blog reviews and amazon reviews, and listen to some stuff off the album, and frankly by the time I've invested that much effort it's a foregone conclusion that I'm gonna buy it.

Emperor is overrated. Listen to it, but it isn't a huge thing if you don't like it.
You don't have to like it. But you have to acknowledge that ITNE and Anthems should be required listening for anyone who wants to know shit about extreme metal.
You really think you're cool don't you. This is not even controversial this is just plain fucking stupid.

it's a pretentious pompous overwrought mess of an album and its few potentially redeeming passages are sapped of all power by the nonsense around them. the most overrated album in extreme metal and anathema to anyone who likes their music actually atmospheric.
Emperor blow. I tried getting into that symphonic shit. it's simply fucking gay
You don't have to like it. But you have to acknowledge that ITNE and Anthems should be required listening for anyone who wants to know shit about extreme metal.

Even if you don't like Anthems, this is a stupid thing to say.

obviously it's worth listening to from a purely academic *hear the most popular/debated metal albums* perspective, it's pretty obvious i was saying it's shit :rolleyes:

Whoever says Nightside is great & Anthems is shit is just trying to be an asshole

anyone who thinks nightside and anthems aren't vastly different albums is probably deaf or has downs. not that i think nightside is near being 'great'
anyone who thinks nightside and anthems aren't vastly different albums is probably deaf or has downs. not that i think nightside is near being 'great'

I reckon. I also agree that Emperor in general are massively overrated, but Nightside and the self-titled EP deserve to be acknowledged as classic pieces of Black Metal. Anthems... however, is a fucking mess, and as someone else said, one of the most overrated Metal albums in history. Everything else fucking sucks.