definitely can't agree with the claim that it falls apart after track 3, i find the second half to be significantly stronger, 'thus spake the nightspirit' is arguably the worst song whilst 'ye entrancemperium' really sags in the middle after a tasty start (mr mayhem wrote that opening riff and it shows)
if anything the problem i have with emperor isn't the symphonic aspect (i like plenty of symphonic bm, and some of my favourite bits of this album are pretty symphonic like sections of 'the loss and curse...' for example) but the technical aspect as DB says. i so so rarely find technical metal i actually like because the standard of songwriting needs to be at just as high a standard for successful integration to occur. i don't find much in the way of flow in 'anthems', the mood seems to jump around with every passage, the only thing consistent is the juxtaposition of this theatrical cheesiness onto a sense that they're taking themselves reeeeeally seriously. always a dreadful, pompous combination, and even if they didn't take themselves seriously i just don't know where the atmosphere would come from. nightgaunt on MA put it best, it's 'all melodrama, no drama' complete with 'mincing warbling syrupy synth'.
i think anthems annoys me more because it does have potential, there are quite a few sections which make me think 'hey, this is cool, but it's about to be spoiled by some awkward transition or ridiculous orchestral/synth flourish - yeah there it is'. some of the things they do are just flabbergasting to me, it's not just that they don't work but that there is no way they could ever work in a million years.
DB is also right about the busy sound - all the best metal makes great use of space, but here everything competes for it (without any attempt at coordination half the time), nothing is allowed to breathe or work its magic, you're just thrown about all over the place, it's like being at a funfair surrounded by merry go rounds all playing their own music. if there's anything that can really get under your skin then it's generally lost under the layers of other crap.