Controversial opinions on metal

I enjoyed "Death Cult Armageddon" also. I think it's a harder album to appreciate because their really aren't any standout tracks...but, I think as a whole composition it is a great album.

I think the same... though I wouldn't call it great. Merely good.
s/t is not very good. So it's got Phantom of the Opera and Remember Tomorrow, but that's about it.

Iron Maiden's s/t is one of their best albums, if not the best. In terms of energy, enthusiasm and spirit, it blows away just about everything else they've done, even if other albums might have an edge in songwriting. There's a certain rawness and wildness on the s/t that they never really recaptured.
And for the record,

The X Factor
Piece of Mind
Somewhere in Time
Dance of Death
Brave New World
No Prayer for the Dying
The Number of the Beast
Fear of the Dark
Virtual XI
For the record, you're so completely fucking wrong it's jaw-dropping.

Somewhere In Time
Peace Of Mind
Iron Maiden
Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Brave New World
A Matter Of Life And Death
The Number Of The Beast
Dance Of Death
Fear Of The Dark
and after that they aren't really worth mentioning.

I enjoyed "Death Cult Armageddon" also. I think it's a harder album to appreciate because their really aren't any standout tracks...but, I think as a whole composition it is a great album.
Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse.
The obvious standout. It's like they made the rest of the album worse so it would stand out more.
Varg Vikernes was nothing more than a rebellious teen who wanted attention. WOW he can successfully burn down an uninhabited building! Whoopdyfuckingdoo. If he wanted to destabilise the Church, reinforcing the idea of hell and Satan by burning down Churches certainly wasn't the way to go. What a fucking moron, he was only reinforcing the dichotomy between hell/heaven, satan/god, thus strengthening the Church. His vox and music = NOTHING SPECIAL.

Devin Townsend is sexy.
If you think that horrible receding-hairline-mullet is sexy, you need your vision checked. That guy could make Medusa turn to stone.
In your first four posts you've established yourself as having extremely poor taste in men and black metal/ambient, but I guess this is the right thread for that.

Piano is underused in metal.
Eh? I don't listen to black metal/ ambient.
I've tried, but it sounds like shit.
First time I put on some Mayhem I started laughing.
I'm into girrrrrly metal.
I never stated it was a genre. It is an artistic state of being in a sense. It can NOT have any ties to musical convention, that is why John Cage is avant-garde but uneXpect isn't. That is why the first noise record/release/recording was avant-garde, yet why Merzbow isn't.

Being the first of something does not negate an avant-garde movement as a whole. Otherwise we wouldn't have Cubism, or Dada, just the very first artist in each of those fields and nothing more.
Eh? I don't listen to black metal/ ambient.
I've tried, but it sounds like shit.
First time I put on some Mayhem I started laughing.
I'm into girrrrrly metal.

Mayhem has nothing to do with ambient tbh.
But if you simply don't like black metal and ambient music you shouldn't judge the relative quality of artists within that genre, since you won't be able to distinguish between Emperor and Darkthrone.

When you say girly you mean like glam, or European power metal? Because if it's glam, much respect for the Crue and all but there's not much love for it on these boards. And zero glam discussion.
And if it's the european power metal, prepare for accusations of "limp-wristed faggotry." Which is too bad, because I love that stuff.
so's the sax,Hailz Lugubrum:kickass:

The only time I've heard sax in metal was Suspyre's The Great Divide. It was pretty amusing because the guy isn't very good at sax, so he just played something pretty simple. Amusingly enough it was in a song called "The Piano Plays At Last" that featured no piano iirc.
I mean progressive metal, mainly, but some viking. I don't like the raw stuff.

chyeaaah I shouldn't judge. It's not that I hate all black metal. There's some that I like...such as Mirrorthrone and Anorexia Nervosa. But its gotta have other influences in it for me to like it, like i say I can't stand the raw stuff.
Progressive metal meaning stuff like dream theater?
Fates Warning, Suspyre, Odin's Court, Symphony X, and Queensryche are the only straight progressive metal bands I listen to. It generally sounds so flat and uninteresting. I do however like stuff like Orphaned Land where they have progressive influences but are essentially a folky death metal band (or a deathy folk metal band, if you prefer).
I'm not ignorant when it comes to vocals! I've heard some awesomely done harsh vocals. I just think, PERSONALLY, that his particular vocals sound like a cat being continually stabbed.

He has one of the best vocals in Black Metal, and the vocals fit in his music.
Progressive metal meaning stuff like dream theater?
Fates Warning, Suspyre, Odin's Court, Symphony X, and Queensryche are the only straight progressive metal bands I listen to. It generally sounds so flat and uninteresting. I do however like stuff like Orphaned Land where they have progressive influences but are essentially a folky death metal band (or a deathy folk metal band, if you prefer).

Nar not so much Dream Theater, I can't stand Fates Warning or Symphony X. Queensryche is meh, haven't listened to the other two tbh.
For prog I go for Amorphis, Devin Townsend Band, Ayreon, Beautiful Sin, Beyond Twilight, Liquid Tension Experiment etc. And a little bit of Evergrey, although I'm pretty selective when it comes to them. Disillusion are pretty cool too, prog/death band from Germany.

I think I have Orphaned Land in my files, I should give them a listen some time.