Controversial opinions on metal

Fuuuuck the Opeth/Agalloch discussion. If you're a fan, they really don't need you to defend them, and if you're not, I'm sure you're getting annoyed by the conversation. We've been over this ground dozens of times.

Burzum and Primordial are different beasts, while Burzum uses repetition for ambiance Primordial uses it for an epic feel.

Absolutely. My point was that they're using repetitiveness for different ends so it doesn't make a lot of sense to justify Primoridal's doing it by pointing out that Burzum does it.

I get what Primordial are shooting for, but I just think they'd be better served by moving past the incredibly simple song structures. It works in ambient BM. Doesn't work so well for them.

The complete conviction that Primordial oozes (fuck yeah), proves them to be anything BUT lazy.

I get a sense of "conviction" in the vox. I fail to see anything super grim and resolute about hammering out one riff per song. Meh.

The Ozzman
King Drunkard

Ozzman, Belligerent, and Drunkard are all cool guys, and I don't have any particular hostility towards the rest of these people, although Mutantllama is a retard if I remember correctly.
For some reason some beats and atmosphere from last Nachtmystium's album "Assassins: Black Meddle Part I" reminds me some Primordial's stuff.
Not certain how I didn't make the shit list, but w/e.
Cookta, you know you can put them on ignore and not even see their posts, right?

@Savern: You suck. Emperor > your existence. Scientific fact.
I find the following people to be completely useless to the metal forum and don't even bother reading their posts. When I say "useless" I mean useless to me because either they have different taste, have shitty opinions, or are just annoying.

The Ozzman
King Drunkard

If you ignore The Ozzman and ShredHead then you might as well just leave the forum because those are two of the quintessential posters that get threads moving along.
as a member of the list yourself you have no say concerning the contents of that list

That makes no sense. He may or may not give a damn what I think, but what I think of his distaste is as relevant as it ever would be regardless of who I am. That's kinda like saying "George Bush hates Iran so what they think of the US doesn't matter." It's not like I was trying to change his opinion, I was giving my own opinion.
The analogy that you just made doesn't make sense.

Failure to understand it does not reflect poorly on me. His opinion of me has no bearing on the relevence of my opinion on him, the same way that if Bush dislikes Ahmadinejad, Ahmadinejad still has the power to effect him. Bush's opinion doesn't stop Ahmadinejad from existing the same way that his opinion of me has no effect on the existence of my opinion of him. Get it now?
Failure to understand it does not reflect poorly on me. His opinion of me has no bearing on the relevence of my opinion on him, the same way that if Bush dislikes Ahmadinejad, Ahmadinejad still has the power to effect him. Bush's opinion doesn't stop Ahmadinejad from existing the same way that his opinion of me has no effect on the existence of my opinion of him. Get it now?

Sparse fragments of sub-tonal ambience converge along the nexus of thematic development revealing a preponderance of romantic themes contra the ennui of post-industrial revolution liberal democratic ideologies. Musical ideas edging dangerously close to bouncy, power chord driven rock are superceded by arpeggiated melodic narrative culminating in horizontally developed minimalistic meta-quintessence suggesting a quasi-discourse of themes fully derived out of the metaphysical presuppositions underlying Nordic pagan religious practices. True to form, this is organic nihilistic anti-globalist art.